New York Post

Diller did funny well

- Cindy Adams

THIS will be the first Christmas in decades I won’t be getting a semihomema­de fun card from Phyllis Diller. I know her forever. We’ve been inside one another’s homes and hearts. To remember Phyllis best is to resurrect her masochisti­cisms:

“My cooking’s so bad, my kids call it morning sickness . . . My alphabet soup spelled ‘ Ugh’ . . . My rum cake gave friends a hangover . . . I got my first laugh when my mother entered me in a baby contest . . . She couldn’t call sitters who knew me. They wouldn’t come . . . As a kid, I’d play post office. I was the dead letter office.”

About her husband: “If Fang had brain surgery, it would be a minor operation . . . Loaded one night, he walked into my closet and said, ‘Third floor, please.’ . . . When Fang tried to divorce me, cops arrested him for leaving the scene of an accident . . . He took me to a cheap hotel, but it had a continuous floor show — mice . . . Fang’s a drag. He took his suit to the cleaners to be steamed and depressed . . . I can only get him up mornings if I wear a black dress, veil then sit on the edge of his bed and cry . . . Fang always felt marriage and a career don’t mix. That’s why he never worked . . .

“My husband says he’s learning karate to defend my honor. I told him to mind his own business . . . Dumb? When he won his letter in high school, the coach had to read it to him . . . Fang said if they used my figure for an hourglass the day would be very short . . . Fang won’t do a picnic. He says we have all the bugs, dirt, tainted food right at home.

“And his family? We wanted to play horseshoes, but his mother refused to go barefoot . . . My sisterinla­w’s so skinny she has a striped dress with only one stripe.

“I’ll never forget my first modest little fur stole. Modest? People thought I was wearing anchovies . . . I can’t work with my hair out of place. Anyone got a screwdrive­r? . . . Who’d give me a driver’s license? I got two tickets on my written test . . . I entered a beauty pageant. And lost. And it was fixed! . . . I just learned why my neighbor’s laundry looks so much whiter than mine. She washes it . . . I buy coats in a carpet shop. I wear a 9by12.

“The doctor examined my body. I asked, ‘Is there any hope?’ He said, ‘Yes. Reincarnat­ion.’ . . . Witchcraft? I’m its result . . . Everyone says I’m a beautiful person inside. Leave it to me to be born inside out . . .I have that rare beauty that drives men sane . . . Last night a Peeping Tom begged me to pull my window shade down . . . When I wear a bikini, even the tide won’t come in . . .

“My favorite food is seconds . . . When I was three months pregnant my neighbor asked, ‘Having another baby?’ I said, ‘No. I’m just carrying it for a friend.’ . . . I found a great new weed killer. Problem is, it stains the carpet.”

And on and on and on. Right now she’s probably telling St. Peter: “A funny thing happened to me on the way to the cloud . . .”

CONVENTION­S: A presence at every presidenti­al scramble is Arianna Huffington. This year she’s conducting a job creation lunch panel plus 7 a.m. to midnight arranged spa treatments, yoga classes, private massages, facials for VIPs.

Giuliani will do three days — Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. “Five different events. To raise money for congressio­nal committees and certain candidates.”

He would have said more, but he’d just left the dentist. Gum surgery.

Despite repeat phone calls to those in charge, participat­ing biggies — including delegates — do not yet know their schedules or slots. Still no info as to where, what they’re to do when.

THE InterConti­nental New York Barclay Hotel’s gone ecological. They compost, recycle, reduce paper. LED bulbs. Support animal shelters, domestic violence campaigns and a Kenyan orphanage. The roof garden grows fruit, veggies, herbs plus colonies of honey bees. Their Natural Power Breakfast is local, natural, organic. Your muffin probably wears a homegrown honey dollop. You want cream cheese, it’s probably extra.

RICHARD Dreyfuss says he’d like to play Adolf Hitler . . .A periodical’s writing personal notes to subscriber­s whose subscripti­ons are ending . . . In the White House hangs George Kalinsky’s photo painting of Obama’s basketball hero Michael Jordan . . . That dumb politico who made that dumb remark about rape? Word is he’s six months behind on his psychiatri­st’s bill. And on a recent visit, he heard his tapes playing in the elevator.

STRATEGIST­S strategize VP Biden indirectly boosted his and Whatsisnam­e’s reelection. The Veep’s daughter Ashley married Dr. Howard Krein. Rabbi Joseph Forman assisted. They call the bridegroom’s Jewishness a votegettin­g plus . . .

Joaquin Phoenix: “Nobody butchers my name like Mark Wahlberg. He called me ‘Yohooker’ Phoenix. Then ‘Hakeem’ then ‘Rakeem’ like I’m some kind of rapper.”

WEEKS ago I attended Allen and Deborah Grubman’s East Hampton dinner. Unaware of the dress code, I came outfitted like for a catered bar mitzvah. Martha Stewart’s short simple denim shift was perfect. I wanted to tear it off her. Yesterday — boxed, silky ribbon, lots of tissue — Miss Martha sent the identical dress.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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