New York Post


Pol piggy bank goes belly up


The nonprofit in which Assemblywo­man Naomi Rivera allegedly stashed one of her lovers shriveled up when she could no longer deliver the government cash keeping it afloat, The Post has learned.

Its finances in shambles, the Bronx Council for Economic Developmen­t has quietly merged with the Acacia Network, a $200 million healthcare services giant in The Bronx headed by Raul Russi, a former sheriff and probation commission­er in the Giuliani administra­tion.

Officials at Acacia refused to say when the merger occurred or what role the BCED serves in the larger organizati­on.

In its last filing with the IRS covering 2010, the BCED reported taking in a measly $14,176 while spend ing $171,409 — leaving it flat broke.

In previous years, its treasury was flush with gushers of government money, thanks in part to Rivera.

During its best year, 2007, the BCED was flying high with revenues of $598,078. More than 78 percent — or $468,352 — came from the city and state government­s.

The BCED is best known for sponsoring the annual Fordham Road Renaissanc­e Festival, the larg est street fair in The Bronx. This year’s event is scheduled for Sept. 9.

Rivera rounded up most of the BCED’s funding — including from her own brother, City Councilman Joel Rivera.

Records show that he delivered $65,000 for the fair in June 2008, while the entire council delegation provided another $150,000 the following year.

 ??  ?? Flat broke Finances of the Bronx Council for Economic Developmen­t for 2010, the latest year on file with the IRS
Expenses $14,176 $171,409 Net assets at end of year
— $130,662
Sources: IRS 990 filing
LESSON IN TIMING: Teacher Tommy Torres...
Flat broke Finances of the Bronx Council for Economic Developmen­t for 2010, the latest year on file with the IRS Revenue Expenses $14,176 $171,409 Net assets at end of year — $130,662 Sources: IRS 990 filing LESSON IN TIMING: Teacher Tommy Torres...

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