New York Post

Tweed it & weep!


When it comes to political corruption, New York used to be the champion of badness. Boss Tweed, the chiefs of Tammany Hall — they were gloriously notorious for malfeasanc­e.

Now we’re saddled with lowrent crooks, petty chiselers filching pennies from the worn public purse.

The charges against Bronx Democratic Assemblywo­man Naomi Rivera, detailed in riveting Post articles, ought to embarrass her and her politicall­y powerful family in more ways than one.

Bad enough she’s been accused of using public money to support a rotating cast of lovers. But imagine how ashamed her supporters must be if she really aimed so low. Never has sex seemed so cheap.

Until proven innocent, she stands guilty of violating a canon of political corruption: If you’re gonna steal, go big.

Instead, Rivera, according to one of those exlovers, used a nonprofit financed with earmarks, then siphoned off the cash for her lovers’ salary and their dinner dates. Campaign expenses were said to be hidden in communitys­ervice projects, as were payments to family members.

Rivera’s alleged use of a taxpayerba­cked nonprofit as a personal piggy bank is also far from original. The nonprofit scam is so routine that the mayor and governor must stop funding these shadow political groups.

The only “service” too many of them provide is the kind Rivera supposedly sought.

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