New York Post

Daily Horoscope

- Sally Brompton


(July 24Aug. 23)

The Sun moves into the money area of your chart today, so you need to pay attention to your spending habits. If you have been living beyond your means then cutbacks have to be made. No, not later right now!


(Aug. 24Sept. 23)

A new solar year begins today and already you can sense that it will be a very special one. Never mind about all those promises you made and never lived up to dare to dream and your dreams will come true.


(Sept. 24Oct. 23)

You may not have achieved as much as you wanted to by this stage of the year but don't feel bad about it because there is still time to make a difference. You have so much to look forward to so smile.


(Oct. 24Nov. 22)

Anyone who thinks you are too cautious will be surprised by the things you get up to over the next few days. You have the planets' permission to, if not break the rules exactly, to at least bend them a little.


(Nov. 23 Dec. 21)

You won't be content with minor victories today you want to show the world that you are the biggest and best at what you do. Ambition is a wonderful thing, of course, but do you have selfknowle­dge to go with it?


(Dec. 22 Jan. 20)

The Sun's move into your fellow Earth sign of Virgo marks the start of a fourweek phase when most things will go right for you. Does that mean you should take a few more chances? Yes it does. Just do it.


(Jan. 21 Feb. 19)

As an Aquarian you are used to the ups and downs of life but even you need a safe and stable place to rest once in a while. If you haven't got such a place you need to start making one now.

PISCES (Feb. 20Mar. 20)

The Sun in Virgo over the next few weeks will bring partnershi­p issues to a head and that's good. There can be no more running away from your emotions you have got to share your feelings with the world.

ARIES (March 21April 20)

If you look at the big picture today while leaving the details to other people you will come unstuck. One detail in particular, if neglected, could cause you all sorts of problems, especially on the work front.

TAURUS (April 21May 21)

You may be generous by nature but there are times when you need to do less for others and more for yourself, and this is one of them. What is it you most desire? Go out and get it today.

GEMINI (May 22June 21)

The Sun's move into one of the more emotional areas of your chart will show you how you have been neglecting family and loved ones. It's not too late to do something about it but you've got to start now.


(June 22July 23)

If you are bored with the same old places and the same old faces why not get up and get on the move? If you think about it there is nothing to hold you back though that won't stop some people trying.

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