New York Post

Id’ing Voter Fraud


New York voters are going to be turned off of the presidenti­al election in droves with the redistrict­ing and closure of many voting centers due to there being no wheelchair access (“Dead Voters & a Dying Democracy,” Glenn Harlan Reynolds, PostOpinio­n, Aug. 28).

If Reynolds thinks our voting system is “Third World” now, wait until he hears the collective gripes after November.

Since when is being required to show ID when voting a bad idea?

If voting is a cherished benefit to ensure an eq uitable election, no one should object to showing a valid ID.

Ray Hackinson

Ozone Park

If the United States were serious about this, it would use the French system.

There are no offensive photo ID requiremen­ts, but voters must register locally and within a specific timeframe.

No one in France is calling for voter IDs, and there are plenty of non citizens that participat­e in the elections.

The elitist American “Fright” Wing has to make a problem that doesn’t exist.

Do they assert that voter fraud is why Republican­s took the House in 2010? Is that the problem we are trying to avoid?

How is it that voter fraud only seems to help Democrats, except when Republican­s win?

Michael Lindley


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