New York Post

Daily Horoscope

- Sally Brompton


(Aug. 24Sept. 23)

You must not let today's full moon in your opposite sign of Pisces get you down. No matter what happens there is no reason why you cannot work things out to your benefit. Loved ones need you to be strong.


(Sept. 24Oct. 23)

It may get a bit much this weekend and you may well decide to just let fate take its course. That's good. Sometimes it is best to not try too hard. And sometimes it is best to not try at all.


(Oct. 24Nov. 22)

You are not the sort to resist saying something controvers­ial just because it might hurt other people's feelings, and you'll have plenty to say for yourself today. It might surprise you though how angrily others respond.


(Nov. 23 Dec. 21)

You are at a crossroads and have to decide which turning to take. Before you make that decision you would be wise to think of your own needs. Don't give up on something simply because others do not approve.


(Dec. 22 Jan. 20)

Bite your tongue and keep your thoughts to yourself. It may not be easy but if you want the space and the peace you need to complete what you are working on you must not be critical or sarcastic for now.


(Jan. 21 Feb. 19)

This is precisely the wrong time to gamble with what you own and earn. Today's full moon warns you won't know for sure which way the wind is blowing until the early part of next week, so hold fire.


(Feb. 20Mar. 20)

A full moon in your birth sign means that even if you are the most laidback Pisces who ever lived you will still be rather emotional today. Scream and shout if you have to you'll feel better for it.


(March 21April 20)

No matter what other people might say they can only hurt you if you let them. Someone will go out of their way to criticize you today. Ignore them. Take no notice of anyone's opinions but

your own. Try not to make any rash decisions today, especially if they are likely to affect other people as well as yourself. What is good for you may not be good for a friend or a colleague or anyone else.


(April 21May 21) GEMINI (May 22June 21)

Under no circumstan­ces resort to questionab­le tactics today. Common sense should tell you that sticking to the rules is good business and if common sense doesn't tell you the full moon will find a more hurtful way.


(June 22July 23)

Full moons are never easy to deal with but this one won't damage you too badly. The most important thing is that you find something of a positive nature to focus on and channel your energy into.


(July 24Aug. 23)

Something that has been bugging you for ages will reach crisis point over the next 24 hours. However, if it involves money, property or investment­s, you are advised to get expert advice before acting in any way.

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