New York Post



I have never been more embarrasse­d in my life to be a Yankees fan. I can only hope the Steinbrenn­ers and Randy Levine issue a public apology to the fans, because we’re owed one. We’re also owed a new manager, new hitting coach (goodbye Kevin Long!), and a large chunk of new players. This postseason has been a complete joke and has embarrasse­d this city. George Steinbrenn­er is probably rolling over in his grave. BRIAN RAPPAPORT

New York, N.Y.

The Yankees are lucky George Steinbrenn­er isn’t alive and running the team: he would strip these pretend Bronx Bombers of their pinstripes faster than you can say “Choke.” They lost the only ounce of heart and courage they had went Derek Jeter went down, while making every Baltimore and Detroit pitcher look like Cy Young reincarnat­ed. They have humiliated themselves and their fans. MICHAEL MAURER

Long Br,nch, N.J.

Everyone has an opinion on the Yankees’ embarrassi­ng ALCS showing. What cannot be debated is the entire team’s carefree demeanor throughout the playoffs. This is about a group of men who showed no heart, no fight and no passion for the game. They rolled over and played dead, a huge smack in the face to every loyal Yankees fan. FRANK PICO JR. M,m,roneck N.Y.


Wouldn’t it be nice if Alex Rodriguez could hit

the ball as successful­ly as he hits on women? All that notwithsta­nding, I don’t think he should be traded. The Yankees can’t receive equal or even near equal value. Just like Derek Jeter, maybe ARod, too, can have a bounceback year.

ED KRAUSS Sc,rsd,le N.Y.

The Yankees’ treatment of Alex Rodriguez during the ALCS is an embarrassm­ent and disgrace to not only ARod, but the best fans in the sport. A player of his talent should not be publicly humiliated and emasculate­d. We all know ARod’s history and some of the questionab­le decisions he has made. However, making him the scapegoat at the expense of the betterment of the team is unacceptab­le. There is no way possible that the Yankees are better with him sitting on the bench. Brian Cashman and Joe Girardi need to move on. I have lost all respect for both of them, and they have done the impossible: made ARod a tragic figure in the eyes of Yankees fans.

ED BOTTI M,t,w,n, N.J.

After the Yankees lost to the Tigers Alex Rodriguez was quoted as saying, “I’ll be back.” I hope he meant for OldTimer’s Day. JOHN BUONAGURA Stew,rt M,nor, N.Y.

Losers’ lament

As a Yankees fan, I have this to say about Derek Jeter’s injury: Winning teams overcome injuries. Losers make excuses. TONY ROCCAMO


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