New York Post

The real racial shame


God save America from experts, the government and the liberal media. They told us — over and over and over — that the George ZimmermanT­rayvon Martin spectacle was a racial parable for our times. They forgot to tell the jury.

“All of us thought race did not play a role,” said the only juror to speak. Her identity concealed, she told CNN that race never came up during more than 16 hours of deliberati­ons.

Prosecutor­s didn’t go there, either, trying to make the case that Zimmerman had no reason to fire his gun in selfdefens­e. They never alleged a racial component.

They couldn’t, because there was no evidence to support it. The police department’s chief investigat­or testified that he believed Zimmerman’s account that he was attacked and feared for his life. FBI agents interviewe­d more than 30 people and found no evidence of racial bias.

The unanimous “not guilty’’ verdict should spark soulsearch­ing from those who claim Martin was killed because he was black.

It should, but it won’t. Too many people see stirring the racial pot as good business.

It keeps the hustlers in the headlines and gives predominat­ely white news organizati­ons a way to expiate their guilt.

Remember how all this racializin­g was going to stop when we got a black president?

It turns out that a postracial presidency was just another false promise. Barack Obama actually fanned the flames for votes, saying during last year’s campaign, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.” Subtle he’s not. Nor can you expect change when the first black attorney general, Eric Holder, links the case to the civilright­s era. His smear of the jury system turns a criminal case into another political football.

America is better than that, even if they are not.

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