New York Post

Sharpton’s Shenanigan­s: A Shameful Pattern


Hats off to Jonah Goldberg for stating the truth about Rev. Al Sharpton, something most of the media and politician­s are afraid to do (“The Rev’s Racket,” PostOpinio­n, July 20).

Sharpton has never been anything more than a racebaitin­g, troublemak­ing, taxevading shakedown artist and a buffoon. Sharpton has made a lucrative business of inflaming racial tensions and capitalizi­ng on tragedies to support his extravagan­t lifestyle.

If he were held accountabl­e for his actions, he would cry racism, which politician­s are afraid of.

The only question that he should be asked by the media is: “How’s Tawana Brawley?” Andrew Feinman


How does Sharpton continue to get away with it? Between Al Sharpton and Jesse Jack son, there will never be racial accord in this country. They put organized crime to shame, and no one will take them on. Frank Giffone


Thanks to Goldberg for reminding us of Sharpton’s shamelessn­ess.

Goldberg recounts the horrific Brawley hoax, in which he fanned the flames of racism in a situation built entirely on lies. The Crown Heights riots of 1991 were also nurtured and encouraged by Sharpton.

The antiSemiti­c hatred that he generated after Gavin Cato’s accidental death helped lead to the murder of Yankel Rosenbaum.

Rather than being castigated and perhaps imprisoned for his racist rants and incitement­s, Sharpton is now the host of an MSNBC show and enjoys his “partnershi­p” with Eric Holder.

Shame on a society that celebrates such a depraved character.

Sharpton’s leadership in the Trayvon Martin demonstrat­ions is to be expected. He is enabled by a society that has lost its values. Helen Freedman


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Al Sharpton

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