New York Post

Mejia earns Friday start


Jenrry Mejia has become an almost forgotten man in the Mets organizati­on, but will emerge from hiding on Friday.

The 23yearold righty, who has spent most of this season rehabbing a sore right elbow, was selected yesterday to pitch Game 1 of Friday’s doublehead­er in Washington. The nightcap will belong to Matt Harvey.

Chris Schwinden and Jacob deGrom were the other candidates in considerat­ion for the spot that went to Mejia, who is expected to be added to the taxi squad and returned to the minors following his start.

In two starts at DoubleA Binghamton, Mejia is 20 with a 0.82 ERA.

“He’s throwing great, he struck out eight the other night, he’s a roster guy and ready to pitch,” manager Terry Collins said before the Mets beat the Braves 41 last night. “[But] it’s a long way from Binghamton to D.C.”

Zack Wheeler developed a blister during his Saturday start, but still will receive the ball tomorrow against the Braves, as scheduled. Collins had toyed with the idea of giving Wheeler extra rest because of the blister.

“It’s cleaned up, today it looks great, so we’re not going to skip him,” Collins said. “A lot of times in this kind of weather, when it’s hot and humid, your skin softens up and you’re going to get these little things that pop up.”

The Mets released Shaun Marcum, who underwent surgery last week for thoracic outlet syndrome, assured he won’t pitch again this season. By releasing Marcum instead of keeping him on the disabled list, the Mets can save about $1 million in roster bonuses he would have received. Marcum’s contract was for $4 million guaranteed.

Mets minor leaguer Alex Machilland­a was arrested in Port St. Lucie, Fla., for felony shopliftin­g and battery, among other charges.

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