New York Post

Zero ‘Gravity’ without son

- Cindy Adams

DIRECTOR Alfonso Cuarón, swirling around the Oscar sphere like Sandra Bullock, on how his idea for “Gravity” came about:

“Not my idea. This excitement is my son’s fault. He told me: ‘You’re too rhetoric. Old-style. You repeat the same stories over and over.’ “So I said, ‘So?’ “So he said, ‘You need something new.’ “So I said, ‘ Like what?’ “So he said, ‘Like something cool. Like about the future. Like exploring technology.’

“So I said, ‘Please. I’m lowtech. I know nothing about that. I barely can do my cellphone.’

“So he said: ‘ We should do a project about technology, tomorrow’s tool.’

“Anyway, we never imagined we’d do anything that blew people away. Not our idea to revolution­ize the industry or science or outer space or anything. I figured OK, it’s an interestin­g idea, I’ll wrap it up in a year. It took four years!”

Emerald lady

SATURDAY’S Page 3 dealt with the late dear gentle UN official cum designer Shail Upadhya, my friend since I visited his native Nepal in 1961. The Post alleges he was bilked by “evil . . . scheming . . . scary”

Baroness von Langendorf­f. I know this beefy heifer who shows at every NYC event swathed in emeralds. Always emeralds. In the loo, she’d squat in emeralds.

What she did or didn’t, I don’t know. I do know where the feds or fuzz can find her now. In a Palm Beach suite with her current sheik on a reinforced bed at the Colony Hotel. She swans by the pool in emeralds.

Pay attention

GOLF ball with presidenti­al seal and facsimile “Bill Clinton” signature can be yours for $25 at memorabili­a place Norma Jeans . . . Jersey juice: “The Gov’s very quiet. Doesn’t know what more to say. A) Hopes it’ll die down. B)Knows more’s coming.” . . . “Downton Abbey” popularizi­ng Ellen Easton’s book “Afternoon Tea: Tips, Terms and Traditions.” Her ancestors were tea bags’ largest packagers.

GOP comments

POLITICAL pollster/commentato­r Frank Luntz:

“America’s only hope is to win the Senate. Socialist reformers are moving to the right because of the economy. Never voting Republican before, they’re newly donating to the GOP because with this government’s taxation, regulation, litigation, legislatio­n, they’re afraid.

“We can’t keep afloat. Our society’s reached the tipping point. Can’t come back. Like Greece, Italy, Turkey, Russia, France, Britain, we’ll be unable to take the poison out of society. The baby boomer population’s aging. We can’t keep up. Soon we’ll be unable to afford anything.

“Our country won’t be good. Kids will be dumber. Intelligen­ce will go to Korea. China’s our threat. Hardpaying taxpayers will get it the worst.”

How to cheat

CHEATERS’ calorie counter. Dressing afterward: 32 calories. Doing It in a hurry — 98 calories. With your wife or husband knocking on the door — 3,521 calories.

COURT-APPOINTED counsel to the new client: “Tell me about your case.” Defendant: “You won’t believe it.” Attorney: “You kidding? I’m a Legal Aid lawyer. I’ll believe anything.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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