New York Post

In Modern-Day Russia, Singing Gets You Whipped


love Pussy Riot. They don’t cower in the face of oppression (“Cossacks Clobber Pussy,” Feb. 20).

Hearkening back to the darkest days of Czarist Russia, Cossacks were caught whipping the band. Like most, I thought Cossacks were an anachronis­m. But with President Vladimir Putin at Russia’s helm, the whole nation is positively anachronis­tic.

Pussy Riot embraces true civil disobedien­ce. Not the type practiced by archcoward Edward Snowden. He could learn something from these courageous women. Oliver Mosier


The Sochi Winter Olympics wouldn’t be complete without some of the recently released members of the controvers­ial Russian punk band Pussy Riot getting arrested again.

The only thing Pussy Riot has done wrong is to expose abuses inside Russian prisons and humanright­s violations against gays and others, and pointing out the abuses of Putin, who has imposed a widespread censorship and neardictat­orial control. Kenneth Zimmerman Huntington Beach, Calif.

Girls are shot in the head in Pakistan for pursuing educationa­l freedom, women are beaten in the streets of Russia for protesting against their government and Kim Jongun has his girlfriend executed in North Korea.

Meanwhile, Democratic politician­s in the United States declare there is a war on women in America when running against Republican opponents. This narrative should be challenged every time it’s used.

Frank Asprea


Putin and those Cossacks sure are brave. They weren’t afraid of those girls at all.

With just 20 or 30 people, they attacked and beat those scary girls while they were singing. I’ll bet there was lots of backslappi­ng and vodka shots and medals passed out in the Kremlin to celebrate this great military victory. John E. Dumary Jr.


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