New York Post

The White House’s ‘Knucklehea­ds’


Michelle Obama had a laugh or two last week on “The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon” while talking about ObamaCare and the silly — and potentiall­y dangerous — things young folks do. She called them “knucklehea­ds.” But it’s starting to look like the joke may be on her and her husband.

“Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, young people can stay on their parents’ insurance until they are 26,” Obama said. “But once they hit 26 — they’re on their own. And a lot of young people think they’re invincible. But the truth is, young people are knucklehea­ds, you know? They’re the ones who are cooking for the first time and slice their finger open. They’re dancing on the bar stool.”

Maybe so — but unfortunat­ely for the first lady and her husband, these knucklehea­ds are smart enough to know that ObamaCare isn’t in their best interest.

Yes, they may have occasional accidents, but their collective doctor bills don’t come to nearly as much as those of older folks. ObamaCare forces them to pay well more than their costs in order to subsidize the older group. Without those subsidies, the system collapses.

This explains why younger folks aren’t buying in. With little more than five weeks left for open enrollment on the state and federal exchanges, only 24 percent of young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 have signed up, well below the White House’s target.

These young adults don’t want it, not from the man who promised them hope and change, and not from the first lady.

Maybe Mrs. Obama should look on the bright side: If these youth are dancing on bar stools, at least they’re participat­ing in her “Let’s Move” campaign. Oh, wait: That might make them healthier — and less in need of ObamaCare. Who’ll be laughing then?

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