New York Post


Mom gives birth in UES crosswalk


This amazing photo was taken just moments after a woman gave birth to an adorable baby girl — smack in the middle of an Upper East Side crosswalk.

Polly McCourt, 39, went into labor at around 4 p.m. Monday then tried to hail a taxi at East 68th Street and Third Avenue, but the baby had other plans.

“Everything seemed normal, and then out of nowhere, she screamed, ‘Stop! Stop!’ ” said Anton Rudovic, McCourt’s doorman, who had been helping her find a cab.

“I asked her what was wrong. She said, ‘I’m having the baby! I’m having the baby right now!’ It happened so quickly, just like 1,2,3!” Rudovic said.

McCourt collapsed, and a doctor who spotted the commotion rushed over to help as passersby propped her up.

An ambulance arrived in minutes — but not before McCourt had given birth.

The exhausted mama and her newborn were taken to nearby Lenox Hill Hospital.

“It was a crazy experience,” the baby’s father, Cian McCourt, told The Post. “I’m overjoyed for the birth of my little girl. It was quite emotional.”

The bundle of joy, Ila Isabelle McCourt, was named after a mystery passerby who helped deliver her.

The good Samaritan, Isabelle, left her coat at the scene, and the family is hoping to find her.

McCourt, a mother of three, was in good condition Tuesday

“My wife was really calm, very together,” her husband said. “She’s a strong woman.”

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