New York Post

Weird BUT true


Sexting is too high tech for the law.

The Georgia Supreme Court has dismissed charges against Charles Lee Warren, who allegedly texted pictures of his tattooed genitals and was indicted under a 1970 law that bars the mailing of unsolicite­d nude photograph­s without a warning on the envelope.

But the court ruled the law doesn’t cover images sent electronic­ally — because there’s no envelope. This pol delivers. Rep. Steven Horsford (DNev.) donned a UPS uniform and spent a day delivering packages in his Las Vegas district so he could meet constituen­ts.

Horsford, who worked at Pizza Hut in his youth, said lifting heavy packages is hard work. “I should have stretched more,” he joked.

A Florida woman was busted for allegedly driving drunk — and without pants.

When Pasco County deputies pulled over Kristi Steuber, 41, they could smell booze, officials said. But it wasn’t until they asked her to step out of the vehicle that they noticed she was naked from the waist down

A doctor and nurses ditched a woman in labor, leaving her and her husband to deliver their baby.

Indira and Zaheer Ali were at Bethesda Hospital in Boynton Beach, Fla., just after midnight Sunday when the team left to perform an emergency Caesarean.

“The nurse said, ‘You have to wait and hold it. The doctor is busy with a Csection and that takes priority over you,’ ” Zaheer said.

The Alis soon welcomed their healthy daughter, Alliyah, into the world.

A Florida woman was arrested for alleged misuse of 911, calling police looking to hook up with an officer she had just met.

Maria MontenezCo­lon, 58, originally called cops over a civil dispute about a car. But she then turned her attention to the responding cop, officials said, telling him: “I am so horny.”

David David K. K. Li, Li, Wires

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