New York Post

‘Bonus’ pols fail to back up their charity claims


This could turn into one “lulu” of a political fib.

Fifteen current and former City Council members promised to donate their annual taxpayerfu­nded bonuses to charity in recent years — but only three could offer any proof they had, a Post review found.

Despite being given at least three weeks to show that they put their money where their mouths were, only Councilmen Eric Ulrich (DQueens) and Steve Levin (DBrooklyn) and former Councilwom­an Gale Brewer, now Manhattan borough president, could do so. They provided a mix of donation lists and thankyou notes as proof.

The remaining dozen officials — who have been publicly credited with not pocketing the annual political handouts from the council speaker of $4,000 to $28,000 — declined to offer doc

Councilman Greenfield does not share are who he gives what charity to, as that hat would be seen as taking “credit” for or giving charity, which is contrary y to religious Jewish values. — Jane Carey, chief of staff for Councilman David Greenfield

umentation, provided scant detail of recipients or ignored The Post’s requests entirely.

The bonuses, known as “lulus,” are doled out to members who take leadership roles or otherwise curry favor with the speaker.

This included Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer (DQueens), who for eight weeks was unable to provide a single receipt documentin­g what he has done with the $60,000 in lulus he has been allocated since 2010.

It was only after a Post reporter confronted him in person that Van Bramer’s office provided a short list of recipients, including the NAACP of Astoria and the 108th Precinct Community Council, but no amounts, dates or documentat­ion.

Those two groups confirmed they had received donations of $100 each from Van Bramer.

The councilman also noted recently spending $25 on books at a charitable fleamarket stand that he characteri­zed as a contributi­on, and he said he gives $100 a year to a local church through a senior who asks for the donation.

But his office couldn’t say how he keeps track of his donations.

“Documentat­ion of the full range of the contributi­ons is dif ficult because some of it is to local groups and street fairs,” Van Bramer said when approached at an event Tuesday. “We do it in a variety of ways. Some are checks. Some are credit cards. Some are cash, and it’s rolling throughout the year.”

But his minimal list was more than what was offered by the bulk of council members, who provided no detail of charitable giving from their bonuses.

Those include current Public Advocate Letitia James, Mathieu Eugene and Darlene Mealy of Brooklyn; Fernando Cabrera of The Bronx; Julissa Ferreras, Karen Koslowitz, Ruben Wills, and Peter Koo of Queens; and Rosie Mendez of Manhattan.

The list excludes new members — who got their first allocation­s only in February.

Two members said they prefer not to provide documentat­ion, citing personal reasons.

Debi Rose (DSI) said that she has given compensati­on to local nonprofits but that she considers the donations “private” and at her own discretion.

Jane Carey, chief of staff to David Greenfield (DBrooklyn), told The Post, “Councilman Greenfield does not share who he gives what charity to, as that would be seen as taking ‘credit’ for giving charity, which is contrary to religious Jewish values.”

Citizens Union director Dick Dadey says council members who want credit for donating their lulus owe voters proof.

“This is an important way for elected officials to build trust with the public on a promise that is difficult to verify,” he said.

Additional reporting by Jennifer Bain

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