New York Post

Coffee & a collar by cop customer

- Sophia Rosenbaum

A dimwitted thief picked the wrong place to rob Tuesday — a coffee cart in front of Police Headquarte­rs.

The 24yearold suspect tried to run off with a tip jar on the cart outside 1 Police Place in downtown Manhattan but was nabbed by its fastasligh­tning vendor and a loyal customer — an NYPD detective.

“How stupid can you be to do that when the sign right here says Police Headquarte­rs?” a police source told The Post.

Zikri Hodza was manning the stand when panhandler Jean Morillo grabbed the jar at around 10:30 a.m., authoritie­s said.

“I heard something and I looked up, and he was running away with the tip jar,” said Hodza, 24.

Hodza, who was wearing a “Flash” Tshirt, quickly channeled the comicbook character known for his speed and went after the thief. He was backed up by one of the cart’s regulars, an NYPD detective named Larry.

“Larry stopped him from running away,” Hodza said. “He grabbed him, and the money went flying everywhere.”

Hodza said he used wrestling skills he learned as a kid to help the detective keep a grip on the struggling suspect, who ripped his own shirt off in the fight.

Cops finally cuffed Morillo and sat him on a nearby bench to be hauled off.

Meanwhile, nearby patrons, including a few cops, collected the cash — $26.25 in total — strewn across Police Plaza during the scuffle and gave it back to Hodza.

Morillo was charged with assault on a police officer, petit larceny and resisting arrest.

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