New York Post

Astorino’s Agenda


If Rob Astorino wants to be elected governor, he’ll have to start giving New Yorkers a reason to vote for him. Soon. Polls confirm it. With just 90 days until Election Day, a new Wall Street Journal/ NBC/Marist College poll puts Gov. Cuomo ahead of the Republican county exec by 31 points. Another poll last week also showed a wide gap: 56 percent to 32 percent.

Even more telling: Though Cuomo’s support this week slipped 5 points since July, Astorino’s numbers didn’t climb. Instead, 53 percent of voters say they never heard of Astorino or have no opinion of him.

The challenger’s got his work cut out for him. True, he’s boxed in by a shoestring budget — $2.4 million, versus $35 million for Cuomo. Also true: Many state Republican­s, pols as well as donors, are shamelessl­y backing his Democratic opponent. If this weren’t enough, the head of the Republican Governors Associatio­n, Chris Christie, publicly labeled Astorino “a lost cause.”

Astorino hasn’t helped himself with a campaign that thus far has focused only on Cuomo’s flaws — his Moreland Commission woes, for example. We don’t hear much from Rob Astorino about what he intends to do, if elected, to better the lives of New Yorkers. So it’s no surprise we haven’t seen any groundswel­l of support.

Astorino has many possibilit­ies to choose from in crafting an agenda — from real relief for individual taxpayers to opening the state to the fracking boom to transformi­ng a state that now has one of the most hostile business environmen­ts in America.

Exposing Cuomo’s weaknesses is a must. But Astorino needs to tell voters how his policies would make things better.

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