New York Post

Daily Horoscope

- Sally Brompton


(July 24Aug. 23) You will have to deal with someone who gets emotional for no good reason. They may be in floods of tears but you must stay dry eyed and focus on what needs to be done. Be sensitive to what is worrying them but be practical too.


(Aug. 24Sept. 23) You seem to be interested in all sorts of strange ideas and some people are beginning to worry about the state of your mind. They need not be concerned, you are just going through one of those rebellious phases when you refuse to be logical.


(Sept. 24Oct. 23) You expect great things of yourself, which is good, but sometimes you go too far and set yourself targets that are impossible to reach. What happens over the next few days will bring you back to earth with a bump and a bruise or two to your ego. SCORPIO

(Oct. 24Nov. 22) The approachin­g full moon will make everyone a bit touchy over the next few days, so make allowances for them and make allowances for yourself as well. By this time next week most people, you included, will be cool and calm again.


(Nov. 23 Dec. 21) What happens around the time of the full moon at the weekend will turn everything upsidedown, so there is no point taking anything too seriously. Go where there is laughter and fun and ignore those who say you are being irresponsi­ble.


(Dec. 22 Jan. 20) You seem to have got it into your head that the best way to solve a problem is to throw money at it. All you will succeed in doing is wasting even more of your precious resources, so think again. There's plenty you can do for free.


(Jan. 21 Feb. 19) The approachin­g full moon, which takes place in your birth sign at the weekend, is sure to upset your emotional equilibriu­m in some way. But it will also make you more sensitive to the needs of partners and colleagues, and that's no bad thing.


(Feb. 20Mar. 20) Others may say that you have got something all wrong but you must not allow them to change your opinion. Just because you are in the minority at the moment does not mean you are wrong. You've never been one to follow the herd.


(March 21April 20) Try not to give the impression that you don't know what is going on, because that will encourage rivals to keep you in the dark. Pretend you are on top of everything and, when all else fails, bluff your way through using lots of big words.


(April 21May 21) Over the next few days you will have to strike a balance between the needs of your loved ones and the needs of employers and other important people. You CAN please them all but you need to be smart and plan carefully.


(May 22June 21)

There will be times today when it seems that for every step forward you take you end up taking two steps backwards. It may be frustratin­g but there is nothing much you can do about it, so go with the flow and don't get uptight.


(June 22July 23) The approachin­g full moon warns that if you carry on spending money at the present rate you will soon be out of cash. Maybe it's time to be honest with yourself about how wasteful you have been lately and why you have been so weak.

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