New York Post

Countdown to crisis

Ebola weeks from spreading out of control


The Ebola outbreak has gotten drasticall­y out of hand and is spreading faster than ever — leading global health experts to believe they have only weeks to act before the epidemic rages completely out of control.

More than 700 new cases of the deadly virus have been reported just this week as the staggering number of deaths topped 2,600 people, the World Health Organizati­on confirmed Thursday.

WHO is now predicting that as many as 20,000 people could become stricken with the viral infection in the future, HealthDay reports. Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Nigeria and Senegal have all reported cases of Ebola.

Liberia has been hit the hardest, with more than 1,450 total reported deaths there.

The plans to combat the world’s worst outbreak of Ebola went into overdrive this week when President Obama announced a massive increase in US aid being sent to West Africa. He will dispatch 3,000 military personnel to attack the disease head on — both medically and logistical­ly.

“It’s a potential threat to global security if these countries break down,” Obama said. “If the outbreak is not stopped now, we could be looking at hundreds of thousands of people affected, with profound economic, political and security implicatio­ns for all of us.”

Plans were unveiled Thursday by the United Nations to launch a special mission involving the deployment of a military hospital to the forest region of southeaste­rn Guinea, a remote area where the epidemic was detected in March, according to Reuters.

A letter sent to the council by UN SecretaryG­eneral Ban Kimoon outlined plans to establish an envoy to lead the UN Mission for Ebola Emergency Response.

“We are failing the sick because there is not enough help on the ground,” he wrote.

“Please send your helicopter­s, your centers, your beds and your expert personnel.”

The fear of catching Ebola has become so intense in Nigeria that people are being asked by Catholic and Anglican churches to avoid receiving Communion wafers directly into their mouths and have urged them to have it placed inside their palms instead.

To make things even worse, a black market for Ebola survivors’ blood has arisen in West Africa, WHO warns.

Desperate victims of the lethal virus are procuring blood through illicit trading in order to create a “convalesce­nt serum,” a protein base of blood gathered from survivors that contains antibodies that fight Ebola.

It was reported last week that infected US health worker Rick Sacra had been receiving blood from Dr. Kent Brantly, who survived Ebola after treatment in Atlanta.

The increase in the blackmarke­t trade comes as hospitals in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone are rapidly using up their supplies amid what WHO calls the deadliest Ebola outbreak in history.

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