New York Post

Citizen Rights for Aliens: NY Dems’ Dangerous Plot

THE ISSUE: A plan by New York Democrats to extend benefits and rights meant for citizens to illegal aliens.


To let illegal aliens vote would be an insult to my grandparen­ts and every veteran who fought and died for this country, as my uncles did in World War II (“Free for All,” Sept. 15).

They should not be here in the first place if they’re here illegally.

The Democrats are just trying to secure votes so they can have power without earning it.

I’m all for immigratio­n, but earn it the way our grandparen­ts did — that’s the American way. It’s the way this country was built and should continue to be built. John Buonagura

Stewart Manor

Please tell me something: Is it a requiremen­t of “elected officials” to be able to read? Because I, for one, can’t understand how they don’t know the definition of “illegal.”

Now they’re hoping to give citizens’ rights to illegal immigrants — voting rights, drivers licenses and even the possibilit­y of running for elected office. Something is very wrong with this picture.

Sen. Gustavo Rivera’s “New York is Home” bill will destroy our city and state.

It’s about time legal citizens wake up. Think before the next time you vote for someone to represent you in government. Kim F. Cody


So the Democrats want to put the nail in the coffin of New York state.

Upstate is dying, and taxes are driving many New Yorkers to leave the state. A donothing governor won’t open up fracking to bring in money and jobs.

Now a politician wants to reward illegal aliens with full rights as New Yorkers. Drivers licenses, school tuition, Medicaid, etc., given out like candy at Halloween.

The flood of illegals deserves nothing less than to be sent back to the country of their birth.

After all, American citizens will have to pay for all this “free” stuff.

Whatever happened to states not being allowed to get involved in immigratio­n?

All American citizens and New Yorkers should be outraged and vote as many Democrats out as possible. Glen Benjamin


I have repeatedly said that it would only be a matter of time before illegal immigrants would be granted voting rights, as well as other entitlemen­ts. Over the years, I’ve referred to illegals as potential voters.

Unfortunat­ely, the “New York Is Home” bill brings this closer than ever, and there can be no doubt which party will benefit from these votes.

But is what’s good for the Democratic Party good for the country?

Before the American Revolution, “no taxation without representa­tion”

was a common grievance that helped lead to the establishm­ent of the US.

Ironically, it will be “representa­tion without taxation” that will lead to the end of the Republic.

John DelGobbo

Wolcott, Conn.

A requiremen­t to be an American should be the ability to speak English.

Without that, you’ll have every school kid telling you in Spanish how proud they are to be American.

The language is what makes America. Nothing could divide it more than to take away the language. Harry Bonnick


If Democrats pass Rivera’s “New York is Home” amnesty bill, it will give them unbreakabl­e political control in New York.

This would be consistent with the goal of the Democratic Party to get permanent political power nationally by transformi­ng the nation with massive illegal immigratio­n into a majority of racial and ethnic groups whose first loyalty is to the Democratic Party. Abraham Lincoln said a house divided against itself will not stand. George Rubin Bronx

I came to the great US legally, and I like that The Post still uses the term “illegal aliens” instead of the more politicall­y correct undocument­ed immigrants.

If illegals can vote and have full citizen rights, we will encourage more people to come here illegally. Ida M. Tiongco

New York City

 ??  ?? Sen. Gustavo Rivera
Sen. Gustavo Rivera
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