New York Post

Vick: Goodell ‘doing a great job’


Count Michael Vick as one NFL player in commission­er Roger Goodell’s corner.

The Jets backup quarterbac­k came out in defense of the beleaguere­d Goodell on Thursday. Goodell has been under fire as the NFL deals with multiple cases of players facing domestic violence charges, and in Adrian Peterson’s case, child abuse.

“I think he’s doing a great job,” Vick said. “I think some situations are more complicate­d than others. You’re not going to get it right all the time on the first time. These situations that are arising are situations that we’ve never dealt with before in the NFL from a PR standpoint. It’s kind of new to everybody. That’s why we’re talking about it right now.”

Vick got to know Goodell when the commission­er suspended him in 2007 for his role in a dogfightin­g ring and then lifted the suspension in 2009, allowing Vick to resume playing.

Vick feels everyone is making a rush to judgment.

“You’ve got to give the man a chance,” Vick said. “You’ve got to give everybody a chance to get it right.”

The recent decisions of teams to put players (Adrian Peterson, Greg Hardy and Jonathan Dwyer) on the exempt list and keep them off the field is one sign the NFL is heading in the right direction, Vick said.

“You see that teams that are dealing with it now are making the right decisions based on the weeks prior,” Vick said. “You’ve got to give people a chance.

“Hopefully, everything will resume normally in the next couple of months. We just can’t continue to feed into it. Every day there’s a new story being written about and being talked about. We don’t seem to let it go.”

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