New York Post

A tale of 2 coaches

Conservati­ve Coughlin, risky Fisher find success with far different tactics

- By PAUL SCHWARTZ paul.schwar

As the Giants and Rams wind down another season out of the playoffs, their head coaches, both longtime NFL fixtures, continue to put teams on the field that reflect what they are all about.

This is not the only indicator, but it sure is a good one: In 20 years as an NFL head coach, Jeff Fisher has called for 28 fake punts. In his 19 years running an NFL team, Tom Coughlin’s next fake punt call will be his first.

“D i ffe re n t coaching s t yl e s ,’ ’ Giants punter Steve Weatherfor­d said Wednesday. “I think Jeff Fisher, his tutelage was under Rex Ryan’s dad, Buddy, a little bit more of a gambler and a risk-taker but they’re both efficient.’’

The Giants have fake punts in the game plan every week.

“Of course it’s always in your pocket,’’ Weatherfor­d said, “but it’s deep, deep down in your pocket.’’

So deep, in fact, that in the regular season he’s never been given the green light to fake a punt in his four years with the Giants. It’s not Coughlin’s way. When it comes to taking a chance on special teams, Coughlin takes a pass.

“It is not that we don’t have it ready,’’ Coughlin said of fake punts. “When properly utilized, obviously it can be very, very, good, it can create another possession for you, literally.’’

Sunday in St. Louis will be 19th time Coughlin, 68, and Fisher, 56, have squared off as head coaches. It is the second-most meetings by two active coaches — Coughlin and Andy Reid of the Chiefs (and formerly the Eagles) have met 20 times. Fisher is 11-7 against teams coached by Coughlin. Bill Belichick has the most regular-season victories by an active head coach with 210, but Coughlin is second with 163 and Fisher is third with 162.

“I have great respect for Coach,’’ Fisher said. “I have known him for a long time. We have had some great battles over the years. We haven’t played him recently. However, his teams are always well coached, discipline­d and his teams are high- lighted by outstandin­g defenses and wherever he has been, he has had a quarterbac­k that can win games.’’

Fisher has not worked miracles since coming to the Rams, but they have shown vast improvemen­t, considerin­g this is a franchise that combined for 15 wins in the five years before Fisher arrived. The Rams have won 14 games the past two seasons under Fisher.

There is a stark difference in the way these coaches in specific situations roll the dice in games: Fisher does it, Coughlin does not. Rams special teams coach John Fassel — son of former Giants head coach Jim Fassel — has been given permission by Fisher to shake things up. The Rams’ punter, Johnny Hekker, was a high-school quarterbac­k and scout-team quarterbac­k at Oregon State, and in his three-year NFL career he is 5-of-6 passing, including a touchdown on a fake field goal as a rookie in 2012. This season, Hekker as the holder took a snap as the Rams lined up for an extra point against the Redskins and threw the ball to tight end Cory Harkey for a two-point conversion. Against San Diego in Week 12, the call came for Hekker to try a fake punt on his own 26-yard line and he completed the pass for the first down. He helped the Rams upset the Seahawks in Week 7 by successful­ly executing a fake punt. His quarterbac­k rating this season is 118.8.

Back in his days with the Jets, Weatherfor­d was known as something of a daredevil, given the leeway to call his own fake punts. He does not have that leeway with the Giants, although he said there are plenty of fakes “oiled up’’ and ready to use.

“I was a decathlete in college and pretty successful,’’ said Weatherfor­d, who has gained acclaim as a bodybuilde­r. “I see myself as more than just a punter so am I jealous of Johnny Hekker? You betcha.’’

Weatherfor­d said he could get the job done if given the go-ahead to throw the ball and believes he would fare quite well if a track-andfield competitio­n breaks out.

“I can throw a javelin and a discus pretty well,’’ he said. “If they need someone to pole vault on fourth down I’m your guy.’’

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