New York Post

Clothes encounter! Barron gets flak over jacket


ALBANY — Newly minted Assemblyma­n Charles Barron, the former Brooklyn city councilman known for his racially inflammato­ry rhetoric, showed up for his first day in the Legislatur­e last week in his signature South Asian Nehru jacket — angering many of his new coat and tiewearing colleagues, who claimed he was violating official dress code.

“People felt he was violating the rules and receiving special treatment from Speaker Silver,’’ said Assemblyma­n Steve McLaughlin (RRensselae­r County).

“We have to wear suits and ties, that’s what we’ve been told the rules require.’’

A Silver spokesman said there’s no hard and fast rule.

“Generally members of the staff wear business attire . . . taking into consider ation things such as religious beliefs or cultural background,” spokesman Michael Whyland said, adding Barron met the Assembly standard.

Fredric U. Dicker

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