New York Post

Daily Horoscope


PISCES (Feb. 20Mar. 20)

Mind planet Mercury movies into your sign today, making it so much easier to decide what it is you want and what you are willing to do to get it. Never doubt that your desires are valid and never stop looking for ways to meet them.

ARIES (March 21April 20)

The universe is pointing you in a particular direction and if you are smart you will go that way as quickly as you can. Of course, being an Aries you are equally as likely to go in the opposite direction just to be different.

TAURUS (April 21May 21)

What you expect to happen today and over the weekend most likely won't, while what you don't expect to happen most likely will. In which case there is no point making plans as they are certain to change. Take life as it comes.

GEMINI (May 22June 21)

Mercury, planet of the mind, moves into the career area of your chart today and that means the more you think ahead and make plans now the more success you will enjoy later in the year. Don't limit your ambitions. Think big.

CANCER (June 22July 23)

You have some very strong opinions about certain issues and what happens today will confirm that they are spot on. But don't use that as an excuse not to look at new ideas, because life never stands still and neither should you.

LEO (July 24Aug. 23)

Flattery will get you everywhere today you know the right thing to say to influence people in positions of power. You also know the right thing to say to ignite passion in the one you love. But will you have time for both?

VIRGO (Aug. 24Sept. 23)

What you say next is important but not as important as the way you choose to say it. You may intend your remarks to be helpful but if your words sound harsh others may get the impression that you are being critical for no good reason.

LIBRA (Sept. 24Oct. 23)

Common sense should tell you that certain routines and methods are not working as well as they should and what happens over the next two or three days will surely confirm that. Look for ways to update how you do things.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24Nov. 22)

Mercury moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today, making it easy for you to make changes that you want to make, as opposed to changes that others want you to make. Be your own boss, and be creative too.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 23 Dec. 21)

What you choose to do today may annoy some people but don't let that stop you. The fact is you have done plenty of things to please them in the past and now you intend doing something to please yourself. About time.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 Jan. 20)

Others may be impressed by your air of selfconfid­ence but what they don't know is that it's a bit of an act, you don't feel that confident at all. Having said which, Mercury's change of signs today will give your selfbelief a boost.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 Feb. 19)

The message of the stars today is that happiness comes from wanting what you have, not having what you want. You have more than enough to satisfy your basic needs, so be thankful and look for ways to help those less fortunate than yourself.

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