New York Post

Liberal educa- shun

Mayor fails to keep school vows: parents

- By AARON SHORT Additional reporting by Khristina Narizhnaya

Send him to detention! Mayor de Blasio got lousy marks in more than half the subjects parents graded him on concerning campaign promises he made to improve city schools.

Parent leaders from NYC Kids PAC tracked how the de Blasio administra­tion kept to the answers he gave at a mayoral candidates’ forum the group sponsored in June 2013, and released their findings Sunday.

De Blasio got “F” s in the subjects of reducing classroom sizes; making his administra­tion accountabl­e to the public; and improving school diversity, the parent leaders said.

And he earned “D” s for doing little to stop the city from sharing student data with vendors; not ensuring specialedu­cation students receive services; and his failure to engage parents in school governance, among other near failures.

“De Blasio promised over and over that his administra­tion would be different and would listen to parents and communitie­s,” said Leonie Haimson, executive director of advocacy group Class Size Matters. “But since he was elected he has largely ignored parents.”

Parent advocates acknowledg­ed some successes, giving the administra­tion “A” s for halting school closures and reversing a ban on cellphones.

But de Blasio earned “incomplete­s” for being slow to follow through on promises to spread power among education councils; build more classroom space; and significan­tly overhaul the student discipline policy.

The grades arrived as de Blasio prepares to lobby state lawmakers to renew mayoral control. Lisa Donlan, president of the District 1 Community Education Council and a member of NYC Kids PAC, thinks de Blasio should focus on tackling problems he promised to solve before asking for power in the future to fix them.

“The whole concept of mayoral control is, ‘ You elect me because I have a platform,’ ” Donlan said. “It’s been well over a year and we don’t think he’s moving in the right direction or at the right speed.”

De Blasio spokesman Wiley Norvell disputed the progress report.

“From launching PreK for All, to extended learning time for tens of thousands of students, to bringing new resources to bear at our most troubled schools, we are focused on raising achievemen­t and strengthen­ing school communitie­s,” Norvell said.

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