New York Post

Clinton gets top lib’s nod


Mayor de Blasio may be starting to feel “left’’ out.

While he’s playing hard to get by holding off on endorsing Hillary Rodham Clinton for president, lefty pal Bertha Lewis — the former head of ACORN and a longtime powerful voice of progressiv­ism in New York City— says she’s “ready for Hillary.”

“I’m on board,” Lewis told The Post. “I don’t know why you wouldn’t support her.”

Lewis was an early backer of fellow Brooklynit­e de Blasio’s run for mayor when he was trailing in the polls. She supported his runs for City Council and had championed him to become council speaker.

But she parts ways with Hizzoner’s political calculus in refusing to endorse Clinton until the former secretary of state, New York senator and first lady lays out a specific, progressiv­e agenda.

“If you don’t know Hillary Clinton by now, you’ll never know her,” Lewis said.

And Lewis says Clinton long ago proved her progressiv­e bona fides. Clinton earned Lewis’ “admiration and respect” for the beating she took when the healthcare expansion plan she helped craft with her husband, then President Bill Clinton, was rejected.

“Hillary recovered from that. Absolutely, Hillary is a progressiv­e. Her core is still there,” Lewis said.

“There’s no one who can hold a candle to her. She’ll be a great president. She’s a fierce fighter. No one is more qualified,” said Lewis, who now is executive director of The Black Institute.

Lewis pointed out that Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a darling of lefties, has said she isn’t running for president and Clinton is a virtual lock for the Democratic nomination.

“We need her [ Warren] in the Senate,” she said.

Last week, de Blasio defended his decision to hold off on endorsing Clinton, saying, “Even when you have a deep friendship with someone, you have to put the people first.”

Meanwhile, City Comptrolle­r Scott Stringer said Sunday that de Blasio should stay focused on New York— not the national stage.

“I respect the mayor trying to raise this issue, but at the same time, I also think that we’ve got a lot of work to do right here in this city,” Stringer said.

Additional reporting by Michael Gartland and Marisa Schultz

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