New York Post

DeB’s new p.r. chief: #NoPersonal­Tweets

- By YOAV GONEN City Hall Bureau Chief

So much for transparen­cy. Mayor de Blasio hired a new press secretary on Thursday and one of her first acts was to delete her personal Twitter account.

Publicrela­tions veteran Karen Hinton, 56, who worked with de Blasio and Gov. Cuomo at the federal Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t in the 1990s, is also on record saying she doesn’t believe in putting execs on the record in crises.

“In an ontherecor­d interview, you don’t want [reporters] to grab some misstateme­nt you’ll regret,” she told PR News in 2012.

Hinton, who will earn $177,000, said she deleted her account because her new role is to speak for the mayor and not for herself.

“I’m going to be tweeting about his policies and his positions, not my own,” said Hinton, wife of former Cuomo senior aide Howard Glaser.

She said she’s creating a new Twitter account for her new job.

Hinton, who held a fundraiser for de Blasio and contribute­d nearly $3,500 to his 2013 campaign, also said her p.r. strategies would shift now that she’s working for a public entity.

“The mayor has a great deal of experience with the media; he doesn’t need me to tell him how to do an interview,” she said.

Recovered tweets show Hinton has strong views mostly in line with Hizzoner’s, except for automatic train brakes — which she called a “dud.”

De Blasio supports the technology, which some experts say could have prevented last week’s deadly Amtrak train derailment.

“I should not have written that — it was a little too flip,” Hinton told The Post, adding that she supports de Blasio’s position.

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