New York Post


Job for Al pal part of Aqueduct fiasco


It’s another Sharpton shakedown.

As bidders sought his support in the fierce battle for the lucrative casino license at Aqueduct Racetrack, the winning bidder’s lobbyist says, the Rev. Al Sharpton asked his company for something in return: a job for his adman pal.

The friend, Donald Coleman, was also vice chairman of Sharpton’s nonprofit, the National Action Network.

Coleman’s identity is revealed in deposition transcript­s obtained by The Post from the state Inspector General’s investigat­ion into the tortured Aqueduct bidding process in 2010.

The scandal — in which Aqueduct Entertainm­ent Group (AEG) was chosen as the winning bidder in January 2010, only to be scrapped by the state Lottery Division over ethics breaches — will be a factor in the corruption trial of state Sen. John Sampson scheduled to begin next week.

Sampson, the former Democratic leader of the Senate, is accused of obstructin­g justice, witness and evidence tampering, and lying to an FBI agent in an unrelated case.

Federal prosecutor­s are expected to bring up how the Brooklyn lawmaker, who along with thenGov. David Paterson and thenAssemb­ly Speaker Sheldon Silver led the process to choose the racewaycas­ino operator at Aqueduct, made “false or misleading statements” under oath to the IG in the past racino probe.

They’ll also argue that he leaked classified government documents outlining all the Aqueduct bids to AEG lobbyist Carl Andrews — secrets that gave AEG a competitiv­e advantage over the other bidders, according to the IG’s report.

A former state senator from Brooklyn, Andrews was AEG’s point man in the black community, the IG report says. He met with Sampson, Sharpton and other leaders to curry favor for the consortium’s bid, which was projected to produce $2.9 billion in revenue.

AEG principals also gave NAN, the Sharpton nonprofit, about $100,000 in contributi­ons.

“It was part of AEG’s strategy to get Rev. Sharpton to understand who we were as a company and if we were successful, he would be aware of who we were and be supportive of us,” said Andrews in his March 2010 testimony to the IG.

Although Andrews claimed that there was no quid pro quo in his discussion­s with Sharpton, he acknowledg­ed that Sharpton wanted to introduce an associate to members of the AEG consortium.

“I think they were talking about p.r. and how to advertise the opening of the casino, something like that,” Andrews testified.

He identified the associate as Coleman, who is the founder and CEO of GlobalHue, an advertisin­g agency in New York and Detroit. Coleman is a longtime member of the NAN board.

“I was way out on the fringes of this,” Coleman told The Post. “If Rev. Sharpton was putting me forward, it’s news to me.”

Sharpton denied that he put forward Coleman in exchange for his support.

“I did not say put this guy in and I would support you,” Sharpton told The Post.

Sampson also sought favors from the AEG group. He told Andrews that he wanted AEG to hire New York developer Donald Cogsville. He also wanted the consortium to give contributi­ons to Buffalo state Sen. Antoine Thompson and Sen. Shirley Huntley, a Queens Dem.

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 ??  ?? CLUBBY: The Rev. Al Sharpton (above) was involved in steering work to p.r. buddy Donald Coleman (left) amid the scandal-plagued bidding for an Aqueduct casino, according to testimony in a state investigat­ion.
CLUBBY: The Rev. Al Sharpton (above) was involved in steering work to p.r. buddy Donald Coleman (left) amid the scandal-plagued bidding for an Aqueduct casino, according to testimony in a state investigat­ion.

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