New York Post

Lloyd Webber to rock B’way

- Cindy Adams

LIFE for the “Evita,” “Phantom of the Opera,” “Jesus Christ Superstar” superstar creator? After Tonys, Emmys, Grammys, Oscars, Oliviers, a knighthood, an estate near “Downton Abbey’s” Highclere Castle and stunning blond wife Madeleine? For Andrew Lloyd Webber, in sport shirt, it’s dinner, 11 p. m. ( glass of wine, plate of chicken), after standing in the back for 2 ¹ / ₂ hours workshoppi­ng his coming musical, “School of Rock.”

Wednesday, 6: 45, he brought over director Laurence Connor and designer Anna Louizos, who unfolded her tiny, candy boxsize, plasterboa­rd mockup set. Said Andrew: “It took six years to get the rights to this film and, of course, we’ve made some changes. The play had to add a back story.”

Andrew: “It’s my first ever testing a new show in New York. You couldn’t open this in London, as I’ve always done, because we haven’t kids in music school like the US. Twentytwo hundred auditioned. And in the small workshop Gramercy theater, we’ve changed things quickly four times. You can’t do it that fast in London.

“Also, everything’s together here. Not spread out. Once, suddenly deciding to add a performanc­e, we just sent word on the Internet — and were full! You can’t do that anywhere else. We’ll play London after New York.

“I’ve written 12 new songs and, of course, we’re going to be tightening. , Our lead actor stays, but some performers mayy change because they might think their parts aren’t large enough for them.

“I was thrilled to get the Winter Garden. Did you know in the old days that venue was where they showed and sold horses? I love the Winter Garden. Our ‘ Cats’ [ which meowed 21 years] was in that theater.”

So how did Lloyd Webber begin? “I started out as a restaurant critic for a London paper. I enjoyed it. My deadline was early, which meant I got my reviews in before anyone else.”

Once a foodie, always a foodie. “Madeleine and I have found a great, little, completely unknown French restaurant here. Not expensive. Not grand. They don’t know us. But it’s great. They do good French dishes like frog’s legs. I’ll take you there.”

“School of Rock” opens Dec. 6.

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