New York Post

$ 10 BILL TO BE A $ 10 JILL

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Alexander Hamilton, a Founding Father of the nation ( and THE founding father of The Post) has good reason to cry — he’s being booted from the $ 10 bill and replaced by a woman.

Despite recent talk of removing President Andrew Jackson from the $ 20 in favor of a woman, the Treasury Department said Wednesday it will instead make Hamilton’s head the first on the currency chopping block.

Treasury officials would not say why they decided to dump Hamilton — who was the nation’s first Treasury Secretary— claiming only that the decision was made as part of a review of currency security features.

Just which woman will wind up gracing the sawbuck will be decided later this year, after officials take input fromcitize­ns online and at local discussion­s.

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew hailed the move.

“America’s currency is a way for our nation to make a statement about who we are and what we stand for,” he said.

But not everyone is enthusiast­ic about ditching the man who essentiall­y created the US financial system ( and who establishe­d The Post in 1801).

A Twitter hashtag # savehamilt­on was started to defend the famous New Yorker.

“Hamilton founded the damn U. S. Mint and this is how they repay him? Jackson didn’t even like the idea of paper money. # SaveHamilt­on” tweeted Hannah Thobrun

“You would not even have a national currency without the efforts of the truly brilliant Alexander Hamilton,” tweeted Craig Marr.

The decision to put a woman on a bill was made in honor of the 100th anniversar­y of women’s suffrage.

The announceme­nt comes a month after a grassroots campaign was launched to remove Jackson — a slave owner infamous for the forced relocation of the Cherokee tribe — from the $ 20 bill and replace him with a woman.

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen ( DNH) even sponsored a bill to boot Jackson. But Wednesday night, she said she was also happy to dump Hamilton.

“While it may not be the 20dollar bill, make no mistake, this is a historic announceme­nt,” Shaheen said. “Young girls across this country will soon be able to see an inspiring woman on the 10dollar bill.”

Lew asked Americans to take to social media and use the hashtag # TheNew10 to contribute ideas about whose face will grace the bill.

As a consolatio­n, Hamilton — mortally wounded in a duel with Vice President Aaron Burr in 1804 — will appear somewhere else on the bill. The new location has not been decided.

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