New York Post

‘ Poor’ pols have it rough


NEW York pols whining fundraisin­g is tough. 1) Nobody’s really liking anybody. 2) Super | PACs funnel fortunes. Kochs kick in $ 800 million. How’s a puny $ 5,400 donation make any impression? 3) So many dolts running that everyone’s cannibaliz­ing everyone. Bundlers call to hustle other bundlers. 4) The chorus line schedules so many events, donors feel no rush to support anyone. 5) A possibilit­y of any groundswel­l for anyone reached anybody yet? No.

STATEN Island donor: “No politician’s exciting today. Just Vladimir Putin. I hear he’s now drinking bottomsup vodka to celebrate each of his victories. Maybe he’ll soon resign — so he can spend more quality time with his liver.”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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