New York Post

Hondo sailing along


Hondo, whose Tuesday night loss with the Yankees dropped him 1,415 faces below sea level, was in desperate need of some debtrelief assistance from the Tigers and Giants on Wednesday night.

Thursday night: Mr. Aitch will search for some treasure with them Pirates, who he hopes will patch together a victory against the Pale Hose — 10 units.

$ If nothing else, transracia­l Rachel Dolezal, the former Washington State NAACP leader, has provided irrefutabl­e proof that white women can’t jump races ... Let’s back off the “Buddhist” beggars who lately have been working the tourists along the High Line. They may not be entirely legitimate, but why can’t they be accepted for who they are: trans-monks ... Lyin’ Brian Williams ( no relation to Lyin’ Dick Blumenthal) reportedly has worked out a deal to stay at NBC, possibly moving over to MSNBC in some capacity. That make good sense, because if he fabricates a story on the ratings starved cable channel nobody will notice.

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