New York Post



It was surely inadverten­t, but headlines on adjacent stories in The New York Times captured Bill de Blasio’s misguided mayoralty.

“Friendship Between Mayor and Rome’s Leader Blossoms Across an Ocean,” read the top story. Below it: “Cuomo and de Blasio End the Silence, but Not the Feud.”

Perfect — the Putz likes to hang out with and send text messages to the mayor of Rome, but rarely talks to and can’t get along with the governor of New York. This is a disaster in the making.

It’s already clear that de Blasio’s preference for getting out of town to give mediocre speeches comes at the expense of his day job. The grind of combatting crime and homelessne­ss and cleaning the streets doesn’t interest him as much as pontificat­ing on climate change and income inequality, so his bag is always packed.

The mayor’s warped thinking led him to skip Cuomo’s unveiling of a $4 billion plan to rebuild La Guardia Airport. De Blasio’s excuse — he doesn’t go where he can’t speak — reflected a childish petulance, as did his earlier broadside attack on Cuomo.

Something’s gotta give. The feud with Cuomo is the most glaring, but de Blasio’s highhanded tactics are leaving him isolated and weakened on all fronts. City Council Speaker Melissa Mark Viverito’s charge that he was “sexist” in thinking he could bigfoot the council on the Uber issue shattered what had seemed a solid alliance among leftists.

With his growing troubles, it’s not surprising de Blasio seeks a pal in faraway Rome. But a shoulder to cry on there won’t help him get things done here.

Better he follow Harry Truman’s advice to lonesome pols: Get a dog.

Then he’ll have a friend.

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