New York Post

Boy in fall & ‘spring’


A 4yearold boy tumbled from a secondfloo­r window at an East Flatbush apartment building Sunday morning — and suffered only minor injuries thanks to the window screen he pushed out and landed on, family and authoritie­s said.

Nazar Hinds had been leaning on the screen of a window at his grandparen­ts’ Albany Avenue home in the Brooklyn neighborho­od at around 9 a.m. when the screen suddenly gave out and he fell, they said.

But by sheer luck, the screen reached the enclosed brick courtyard below first and got wedged into the ground at an odd angle, the boy’s family said.

Nazar then fell 20 feet onto the screen, which acted like a spring, cushioning his frightenin­g fall and bouncing him off, according to relatives.

“He bounced off like a trampoline,” a relieved relative said.

Nazar’s family told The Post the child walked away from the terrifying fall nearly unscathed.

Still, he was taken less than a block away to Kings County Hospital to be checked for possible fractures, they said.

“He was banged up, but he will be OK, thank God,” said his grandfathe­r, Wayne Hinds. “He’ll certainly never lean on the window again.”

The incident came fewer than two months after a 3yearold boy tumbled from the firstfloor window of a Brooklyn brownstone on Sixth Avenue in Prospect Heights and escaped injury.

A teenage girl was credited with saving the life of another tot in Brooklyn a month earlier.

The 2yearold girl had plummeted from a thirdfloor window in Sunset Park, and Ashley Giron, 18, sprang into action when she saw the child lying on the ground not breathing. She gave the child CPR until she started breathing again.

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