New York Post

Gov’s a burger ‘flipper’


Gov. Strangelov­e is on the prowl again, eager to prove he is New York’s alpha male.

Months after saying that a proposed $15 minimum wage was a “nonstarter,” Andrew Cuomo is pushing exactly that. The difference is that Bill de Blasio was the author of the first push, which made it no good, dumb, impossible.

The feud between the former friends is occasional­ly entertaini­ng and sometimes useful, but this latest phase is simply bizarre. I have no brief for de Blasio, but if there’s a principle behind Cuomo’s flip-flop, it’s well hidden.

Instead, he’s offered a warmed-over hash of cliches, saying his push “will add fairness to our economy and bring dignity and respect to 2.2 million people.” He said it would “restore hope and opportunit­y” and deliver “economic justice for all.”

Wow, if it is really all those things, why did he oppose it six months ago, then push it only for fastfood workers?

Unfortunat­ely, the zig-zag is a Cuomo habit. He’s been all over the place on Common Core and teacher evaluation­s, to where it’s impossible to know what he believes or intends to do.

Similarly, he spent his first term declaring victory on ethics legislatio­n before admitting failure. He then set up the Moreland Commission, vowed he was as “serious as a heart attack,” then disbanded it as probers zeroed in on their targets.

Government-by-impulse-and-revenge is no government at all. It’s arrogant, reckless and destructiv­e of the trust needed to build a public consensus.

It also makes the governor look cuckoo.

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