New York Post


The Mideast migrant crisis is the West’s problem now


What a crisis Europe is in, with waves of migrants reaching its shores as the Arab world implodes. It is the biggest migration into Europe since the end of World War II and is shaping up to be its first great and sustained challenge of the 21st century. It may in fact shape that continent’s nature and history as surely as did World War I.

It is a humanitari­an crisis. As Richard Haass of the Council on Foreign Relations notes, it will not soon go away, for two reasons. First, the Mideast will not be peaceful anytime soon and may well become more turbulent. Second, “The more that Europe responds the more it will reinforce the supply of migrants. Europe is caught.” If it doesn’t respond with compassion and generosity it is wrong in humanitari­an terms; if it does, more will come and the problem grows. “This is now part of the architectu­re,” says Mr. Haass.

Three hundred eightyone thousand detected migrants have arrived so far this year, up from 216,000 in all of 2014. Almost 3,000 died on the journey or are missing. The symbol of their plight is the photo of the 3yearold Syrian boy, Aylan Kurdi, who drowned along with his mother and 5yearold brother when their boat capsized near a Turkish beach. Just as horrifying is what was found inside a Volvo refrigerat­ed truck stranded on the shoulder of the A4 highway 30 miles from Vienna in late August. Inside were 71 bodies, including a 1½yearold girl, all dead of suffocatio­n. They’d been left there by human smugglers.

According to the UNrefugee agency, 53% of the migrants are from Syria, 14% from Afghanista­n, 7% from Eritrea, and 3% each from Pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq and Somalia. Seventytwo percent are men, only 13% women and 15% children. Not all are fleeing war. Some are fleeing poverty. Not all but the majority are Muslim.

The leaders of Europe have shown themselves unsure about what to do. It is a continentw­ide crisis that began in 2011, as Tunisians fled to the Italian island of Lampedusa. The following year, subSaharan Africans who’d migrated to Libya made for Europe after Moammar Khadafy’s fall. Since then the European response has largely been ad hoc and stopgap. European Union President JeanClaude Juncker has proposed a “permanent relocation mechanism” with EU members taking greater shares of the refugees, but it is unclear how ex

actly it would work.

In many EU nations there will be powerful pushback. Europe is in economic drift. Even Germany is growing at only 1.6% a year. Welfare systems will be strained. Youth unemployme­nt is already high. In Britain the crisis could contribute to a vote to leave the EU outright. There are fears, which the elites take lightly, that floods of displaced people will “alter the cultural balance of the country forever,” as the columnist Melanie Phillips put it in the Times of London.

The Gulf states have not offered a home to their Arab and Muslim cousins. Dutch rightwing leader Geert Wilders this week called the wave of migrants an “Islamic invasion” in parliament­ary debate, “an invasion that threatens our prosperity, our security, our culture and identity.” A recent poll showed 54% of Dutch voters opposed to welcoming more than the roughly 2,000 refugees previously agreed to. Hungary is building a fence.

Reading the popular press of Europe you see the questions. Do we not have a right to control our borders? Isn’t the refugee wave a security threat? ISIS is nothing if not committed to its intentions. Why would they not be funneling jihadists onto those boats?

Many things could be done to ease the crisis. States such as Jordan and Lebanon work hard to help refugees in neighborin­g countries and need help. Humanitari­an relief is needed for the internally displaced. Go after the human smugglers, patrol the waters, take in those who are truly fleeing war and truly desire to become a peaceful part of their new, adoptive homes.

But here is a problem with Europe’s decisionma­kers, and it connects to decisionma­kers in America. The gap between those who run government­s and those who are governed has now grown huge and portends nothing good.

Rules on immigratio­n and refugees are made by safe people. These are the people who help run countries, who have nice homes in nice neigh borhoods and are protected by their status. Those who live with the effects of immigratio­n and asylum law are those who are less safe, who see a less beautiful face in it because they are daily confronted with a less beautiful reality — normal human roughness, human tensions. Decisionma­kers fear things like harsh words from the writers of editorials; normal human beings fear things like street crime. Decisionma­kers have the luxury of seeing life in the abstract. Normal people feel the implicatio­ns of their decisions in the particular.

The decisionma­kers feel disdain for the anxieties of normal people, and ascribe them to smallminde­d bigotries, often religious and racial, and ignorant antagonism­s. But normal people prize order because they can’t buy their way out of disorder.

People in gated communitie­s of the mind, who glide by in Ubers, have bought their way out and are safe. Not to mention those in government-maintained mansions who glide by in SUVs followed by security details.

Here is the challenge for people in politics: The better you do, the higher you go, the more detached you become from real life. You use words like “perception” a lot. But perception is not as important as reality.

The great thing in politics, the needed thing, is for those who are raised high in terms of responsibi­lity and authority to be yet still, in their heads and hearts, of the people, experienci­ng life as a common person on an average street. The challenge is to carry the average street inside you. Only then, when the street is wrong, can you persuade it to see what is right.

The biggest thing leaders don’t do now is listen. They no longer hear the voices of common people. Or they imitate what they think it is and it sounds backward and embarrassi­ng. In this age we will see political leaders, and institutio­ns, rock, shatter and fall due to that deafness.

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