New York Post

Gov comes up flat in new

- Kirstan Conley y

ALBANY — Gov. Cuomo’s tilt to the left, including his support for a $15anhour minimum wage, hasn’t boosted his popularity, according to a poll released Thursday.

The Siena College poll shows the governor is viewed favorably by 50 percent of voters and unfavorabl­y by 42 percent.

That’s little changed from the 4944 split in same poll in July.

Cuomo’s jobapprova­l numbers are also flat at 39 percent positive and 59 percent negative — virtually the same as July’s 39 percent to 60 percent.

“It’s not like the governor hasn’t been in public or involved in a lot of issues over the last two months,” noted pollster Steve Greenberg.

“Minimum wage, La Guardia Airport, naming the attorney general special prosecutor, a trip to Puerto Rico, several appearance­s with the vice president and the Hudson River rail tunnel are just a few issues that have kept the governor in the news.”

Cuomo’s plan to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hourh is popular, however, with 59 peercent of New York voters backing itt.

The poll also foundf that 19 percent believe that touggh Common Core standards have imprroved education, while 40 percent say they have been damaging and 24 percentp say they haven’t made a difference.d

The poll of 8177 registered voters was connducted Sept. 1417.

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