New York Post

Islam-bashing sells

- Andrea Peyser

BEN Carson is a hell of a lot craftier than he looks. Still polling behind the slipping Donald Trump in the race for the Republican presidenti­al nomination, and closely eating surging Carly Fiorina’s exhaust in the latest CNN/ORC poll, the mealymouth­ed retired pediatric neurosurge­on, 64, has been reluctant to say boo to a goose — or to slam Trump for his demonstrab­ly dumb claim that vaccines cause autism in children.

So Carson (pictured) lobbed the political equivalent of a Hail Mary pass in a cynical ploy to get himself noticed. And it seemsms toto bebe working,working big time.

He lit into an issuue that, fair or not, unites many Americans, not all of them Republican­s:: the belief that an adherent of the Islaamic faith should not be elected pressident.

“I would not advvocate that we put a Muslim in chargge of this nation,’’ Carson, sounding sures of himself for a change, declaredd in an interview broadcast on NBBC’s “Meet the Press” this past Sunday.S “I absolutely would not aggree with that.’’

In these days of militant Islam, a time when an entiire religion is under fire for the blooodthir­sty actions of a violent fringee, most Republican­s and — dirtyy little secret — even some Democcrats, agree with the good doctor thhat a Muslim can’t be trusted with access to the United States’ nucllear codes.

He doubled dowwn on his remarks in an interrview published Mondayy in The Hill newspaaper. Whoever wins the presidenti­a election should bee “sworn in on a stack of Bibles, nott a Koran,” Carson saiid.

He added, “Muuslims feel that theeir religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsiste­nt with our principles and our Constituti­on.” Holy smoke. Carson, an evangelica­l Christian, was blasted by some of his fellow Republican presidenti­al candidates, was called on to drop out of the race by the leader of the nation’s largest MuslimAmer­ican advocacy group, and was slammed by Democratic prez hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton. (She herself engaged in Islamic fearmonger­ing during her failed 2008 bid for the White House by declaring that Barack Obama was not a Muslim “as far as I know.’’)

Trump was roundly criticized for failing to correct a man who asserted during a New Hampshire campaign event that President Obama was a nonAmerica­ncitizen Muslim, rather than an Americanbo­rn Christian.

But Trump has since pandered in Trumplike fashion. “I love the Muslims,’’ he said, adding that he’d consider running with one as his vicepresid­ential candidate or naming a Muslim to his Cabinet.

The truth is that Carson may have stumbled upon a breakout issue.

A Gallup poll released in June found that 38 percent of American voters would not vote for a wellqualif­ied Muslim presidenti­al nominee from their own party — a view shared by 54 percent of Republican­s surveyed, 39 percent of independen­ts and 27 percent of Democrats. Carson tempered his re

marks a notch in a TV interview with Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity that aired Monday night. “Now, if someone has a Muslim background and they’re willing to reject those tenets and to accept the way of life that we have, and clearly will swear to place our Constituti­on above their religion, then, of course, they will be considered infidels and heretics, but at least I would then be quite willing to support them,’’ he said.

But he’s showing no real sign of backing off his words. Why should he?

There were just under 2.6 million US Muslims in 2010, less than 1 percentcen­t of the population,populati but growing.

Carson’s fundraaisi­ng has been strong after “Meet the Press’’ aired, and his campaign has added more than 100,000 new FFacebook friends, the candidate’s cammp claimed. “The money has been cooming in so fast, it’s hard to even kkeep up with it,” Carson said Weddnesday on Fox News Channel.

“While the left wiing is huffing and puffing over it, Reppublica­n primary voters are with uss at least 8020,’’ Carson campaign manager Barry Bennett told The AAssociate­d Press. “People in Iowa parrticula­rly, are like, ‘Yeah! We’re not ggoing to vote for a Muslim either,’”” he said. When he reejected a Muslim presidenti­aal candidate, Carson daredd American voters to aask themselves if they’d follow his lead. The people of this couuntry pride thhemselve­s on toleerance.

But Ben Carson exposed the fact that, for a number of us, ffear overwhelms thhe march to muulticult­uralism. Big timee.

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