New York Post


- PENNY ABEYWARDEN­A Penny Abeywarden­a is the New York City commission­er for internatio­nal affairs.

FOR 70 years, the United Nations has been seen as humanity’s best hope for building peace and fighting poverty. But let’s face it: For New Yorkers during the month of September, it also means traffic jams, security barricades and crowded subways.

With visits from Pope Francis, 180 heads of state and thousands of diplomats for the ongoing UN General Assembly, city officials have been working tirelessly to ensure security while minimizing commuting disruption­s.

But the gridlock on FDR Drive isn’t the only kind of traffic the United Nations creates for New York. In September and throughout the year, it’s also responsibl­e for a decidedly desirable kind of traffic: thousands of customers for restaurant­s, daycares, dry cleaners, barbershop­s and bodegas throughout the city. It keeps businesses buzzing and creates jobs with good wages.

Past estimates have put the UN headquarte­rs’ economic contributi­ons to our city at $3.3 billion — slightly more than the estimated total value of the Yankees. Next month, the Mayor’s Office for Internatio­nal Affairs will unveil an updated report on the economic impact of the United Nations for New York, and we anticipate that the figure will be even higher. It’s not only the diplomats and visitors you’ll see providing business to bars and taxi drivers during the General Assembly this month, but also the thousands of New Yorkers employed in jobs from secretaria­l services to catering to constructi­on at the UN complex every single day of the year.

Beyond the economic impact, the UN complex is a cultural attraction and a draw for intellectu­al and political leaders from around the world. It’s also becoming an important educationa­l asset for our kids.

The Mayor’s Office for Internatio­nal Affairs, in partnershi­p with other city agencies and the United Nations, is launching a program to enable sixth through eighthgrad­e classrooms in all five boroughs to get a firsthand understand­ing of global politics. There are few other places in the world where middlescho­ol students can get a handle on internatio­nal diplomacy in real life rather than from a textbook.

New York isn’t only benefiting from the presence of the UN HQ — the city’s actually living out the UN’s vision. Our city is taking the lead in working to achieve the UN’s new Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals — a set of global targets for fighting poverty, promoting health and protecting the environmen­t between now and 2030.

Mayor de Blasio’s OneNYC — a pathbreaki­ng plan to lift 800,000 people out of poverty, boost access to nutrition and healthy foods and significan­tly expand affordable housing — is being showcased at the UN General Assembly.

Seventy years ago, New York beat out cities from London to San Francisco to be selected as the official headquarte­rs of humanity’s great postwar hope. Today, New Yorkers are still reaping the rewards of that victory — even if it sometimes means some extra traffic.

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