New York Post

Daily Horoscope

- Sally Brompton


(Sept. 24Oct. 23) You will clash with someone whose views and opinions you completely disagree with today or over the weekend and you must not back down. It is unlikely you will find common ground, so go all out to win the argument right from the start. SCORPIO

(Oct. 24Nov. 22) It's not often that you get up in front of other people and lay down the law but you will do so today. It annoys you to think that the answer to a major problem is obvious to you but no one else seems able to see it. SAGITTARIU­S

(Nov. 23 Dec. 21) What happens over the next few days will convince you that the time is ripe to make a play for power. It is, of course, possible that you will go too far or expect too much but rather that than you make no effort at all. CAPRICORN

(Dec. 22 Jan. 20) You will react badly to anyone who tries to tell you what to do, even if they have every right to point out your failings or point out the way. When dealing with employers and other authority figures try not to be quite so aggressive. AQUARIUS

(Jan. 21 Feb. 19) If you make a mistake today it is sure to be a big one. Don't try to cover it up or shift the blame on to somebody else as that will make matters worse. Everyone gets it wrong now and again, even an Aquarius. It's no big deal. PISCES (Feb. 20Mar. 20) Plan something enjoyable for this evening and over the weekend, something that takes you out of yourself, something that takes your minds off your problems. Forget about your woes and have a really good time with your friends or your family. ARIES (March 21April 20) You will be impatient of restrictio­n and intolerant of people who in one way or another don't live up to your expectatio­ns. Be careful who you clash with though because if you upset the wrong people you could make some powerful enemies. TAURUS (April 21May 21) Be careful how hard you push yourself today because even though Mars, planet of energy, moves in your favor there is a possibilit­y you might strain yourself if you take on too much. Know what your limits are and

make sure you stay within them. GEMINI (May 22June 21) The Sun in Libra does wonders for your confidence but you must not take too much for granted because other aspects warn you could easily overextend yourself. You have what it takes to win big but first you need to be aware of your shortcomin­gs. CANCER

(June 22July 23) This could be a difficult day as Mars encourages you to say things you may later regret. If you want to avoid unpleasant scenes further down the line you must promise yourself now that you will not lose your temper no matter what happens next.


(July 24Aug. 23) Make sure you think before you speak or act today. Don't just assume that because something is amusing to you it will be amusing to everyone else in fact your sense of humor could get you in a lot of trouble. Practical jokes are a nono. VIRGO

(Aug. 24Sept. 23) Because you are usually such a modest individual it will come as a surprise to some when your aggressive side reveals itself today. If you think you are not getting what you deserve you will make a scene. It may not be pretty but it will be effective.

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