New York Post

Newt for Speaker?

The GOP’s new dilemma

- JONAH GOLDBERG goldbergco­

ALMOST exactly seven years ago, House Speaker John Boehner said of the Wall Street bailout bill, “I think this thing is a crap sandwich” — but he’d vote for it anyway. I remarked at the time, “It’s crap sandwiches for as far as the eye can see” — and I was right.

Boehner finally had his fill of the meal, opting to push away from the table, as it were. On Friday, he announced he’ll be resigning the speakershi­p and his seat.

Boehner has become a lightning rod for a large segment of the base that is simply fed up with GOP failures, both real and imagined, in the age of Obama.

Some say he quit because he was going to be fired. People on the Hill tell me that’s not necessaril­y so. But what’s clear is that going through with a noconfiden­ce vote would have put many House Republican­s in a terrible spot.

Boehner might have even needed Democratic votes to help him keep his job. A speaker who cannot earn the support of a majority of his own caucus would be a political eunuch.

Was all this fair to Boehner? I like Boehner personally, and I think he got more grief than he deserved, which is different than saying he didn’t deserve any of the grief he got. But, ultimately, fair’s got nothing to do with it.

When the leader becomes an impediment to his members, it’s time for him — or her — to go. The question now is what to do about it.

Meanwhile, it appears the dogs have no idea what to do now that they’ve caught the car.

If the plan was to take Boehner’s scalp, hang the “Mission Accomplish­ed” banner. If the plan was to really change things at the top, it appears Boehner’s enemies came up short.

Boehner’s righthand man, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (RCalif.), as of now seems poised to slide right into the No. 1 spot.

I like McCarthy. Heck, every one likes McCarthy. A former whip, he’s the consummate vote-wrangler, which is why he’s so wellpositi­oned.

Many conservati­ves outside of Congress want to grade replacemen­t candidates on an ideologica­l spectrum, and on that metric, McCarthy probably comes up short. But many conservati­ves inside Congress suspect that while McCarthy might be a less conservati­ve leader, he would be a much more responsive follower.

The other potential replacemen­ts — Jim Jordan (ROhio), Jeb Hensarling (RTexas) and Daniel Webster (RFla.) — are solid conservati­ves with a much deeper grasp of policy than McCarthy. The irony is that they may not get the spot precisely because they have more fully formed legislativ­e and ideologica­l priorities of their own. The base wants the speaker to follow their lead.

The real reason no one challenged Boehner sooner is that the speakershi­p is a lousy, thankless job, at least while President Obama continues to treat Congress with contempt. The speaker sits between competing firing squads.

In the realm of the plausible, I’d probably pick Hensarling. Fortunatel­y, as a columnist, I don’t have to stay within the guardrails of the plausible. So here’s an idea.

There is nothing in the Constituti­on that says the speaker must be an elected member of the House. The House could pick anyone from Carrot Top to Oprah as speaker. Those options don’t make any sense (though Oprah would probably place some wonderful gifts under members’ seats). But there is one nonmember who might bring the skills the moment requires: Newt Gingrich.

Gingrich was the architect of the “Contract with America.” He led Republican­s to the first congressio­nal majority in 40 years. His speakershi­p was not without faults, but Gingrich has matured. At 72, he is literally an elder statesman of the party and still one of its most gifted communicat­ors.

He also happened to be, for a while, the first choice for president in 2012 among many of the same people who wanted Boehner’s head. He knows how backbench firebrands think, because he was one himself. More important, he’s got an encycloped­ic grasp of the institutio­n’s power and limitation­s.

Since no one seems to have thought about what to do after getting rid of Boehner, Gingrich may be the ideal placeholde­r until Congress gets its act together. He poses no longterm threat to anyone’s ambitions, and in the short term he could be a unifying figure.

Gingrich always believed he had another rendezvous with destiny. Tanned, rested and ready, he may just be the guy to get that sandwich off the cafeteria menu.

 ??  ?? Contract with Republican­s: Ex-Speaker Newt Gingrich could be a good temporary GOP leader in Congress.
Contract with Republican­s: Ex-Speaker Newt Gingrich could be a good temporary GOP leader in Congress.
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