New York Post

ObamaCare’s Crash: Spiraling Out of Control


To this former Democrat, it’s plain that President Obama is mostly concerned with his legacy, regardless of the cost to citizens (“ObamaCare Imploding,” Editorial, Nov. 23.)

He has made a mess of key issues. ObamaCare got off to a very bad start and deteriorat­ed from there.

Promises were broken; many are losing their insurance, and costs are skyrocketi­ng for others.

Manny Martin Manhattan

Sadly, people are dying because Republican governors won’t set up state insurance exchanges or expand Medicaid.

Millions in those states are left uninsured and can’t see a doctor.

The states that did create exchanges and expanded Medicaid are doing just fine with enrollment and not seeing as much of an increase in the price of insurance. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay and doing just fine, especially in states where governors have a brain.

Diane Hombach Schenectad­y

ObamaCare was a political act produced by one party over the desires of both the American people and the Republican Party.

Never before in history has such a major change in such a huge part of the economy been produced in secret and without the approval of the majority of its citizens.

Nobody read it, not even the politician­s who voted for it. Democrats didn’t really debate whether they should pass it, and thenSpeake­r of the House Nancy Pelosi said, “We have to pass it to find out what’s in it.” Well, she passed it, and we now know what’s in it — pure tripe.

Steve Heitner Port Jefferson

A majority of Americans didn’t want Obama’s firstterm signature program, ObamaCare, yet it became law over our objections.

Why are our opinions not registerin­g in Washington?

Whatever happened to government of, by and for the people?

Stephen Zakrzewski Richmond Hill

 ?? AP ?? President Obama signs ObamaCare into law.
AP President Obama signs ObamaCare into law.

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