New York Post


ISIS tie eyed in killers’ online dating


She adores ISIS, has a killer pipebomb recipe and loves long walks in a rain of gunfire.

He is easily influenced, has a valid US passport and seeks a radicalize­d hottie to share his path to martyrdom.

Welcome to matchmakin­g for mass murderers — or “Jdate,” where the “J” stands for jihad.

The FBI is now investigat­ing whether the 2013 online courtship of the San Bernardino killers was orchestrat­ed by a major terror group, Director James Comey told a Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday.

Comey’s remark came in response to a question by Sen. Lindsey Graham (RSC) about whether the marriage of Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik was “arranged by a terrorist organizati­on.”

Comey said: “I don’t know the answer to that yet.”

“Do you agree with me that if it was arranged by a terrorist operative of an organizati­on, that is a gamechange­r?” Graham asked.

“It would be a very, very important thing to know,” Comey said of the possibilit­y that a terror group arranged a marriage and infiltrate­d the United States using the K1 “fiancée” visa system.

“That’s why we’re working so hard to understand it,” he said.

The top Gman also said Farook, 28, and Malik, 29, were radicalize­d at least two years ago and planned to do evil before they met online and she applied for her fiancée visa.

The couple — who lived in a twobedroom town house with their 6monthold daughter and Farook’s mother — killed 14 people and wounded 21 during a holiday party Dec. 2 at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, Calif.

They were killed about four hours later in a street shootout with police.

The FBI had previously said only that the two had been radicalize­d for “quite some time.”

Malik, who lived most of her life in Saudi Arabia, moved from Pakistan to the United States in July 2014. She married Farook on Aug. 16, 2014, in Riverside, Calif. Throughout, she kept a very low profile online, save for two babyregist­ry sites.

Farook was born in Chicago in 1987 and raised in Southern California.

He used at least three online dating sites before meeting up with Malik.

“Allahfeari­ng,” he described himself on

“Enjoys traveling and just hanging out in the back yard doing target practice,” he posted on

He also sought love on Dubaimatri­ and, according to reports.

“Our investigat­ion to date shows that they were radicalize­d before they started courting or dating each other online, and as early as the end of 2013 were talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom before they became engaged and married and were living in the US,” Comey said Wednesday.

“We also believe they were inspired by foreign terrorist organizati­ons. We’re working to understand exactly their associatio­n and the source of their inspira tion,” he said. “We’re working very, very hard to understand whether they had other plans — either for that day or earlier.”

Comey also said his agents are “still sorting out” whether ISIS, which declared the duo its “soldiers,” mastermind­ed the San Bernardino attack — but added that his agency still believes the couple selfradica­lized.

He confirmed that Malik posted a “bayat,” or pledge of allegiance, to ISIS leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi the day of the attack.

“ISIL has embraced them . . . So ISIL’s inspiratio­n may well have been part of this,” Comey said, using another acronym for the group.

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