New York Post

Columbia puni$hes Shel doc

- Julia Marsh

Columbia University can’t fire Dr. Robert Taub — who funneled cancer patients to disgraced politician Sheldon Silver in exchange for funding — so they’ve stripped the tenured professor of his grant money, title and staff raises.

Taub sued when Columbia tried to terminate him after Silver was indicted on corruption charges, and a judge ordered that he could keep his job pending the outcome of a civil trial.

So university officials took away a private $1.6 million grant that funded Taub’s mesothelio­ma research, refused to give his staff a 2.5 percent annual costoflivi­ng raise and barred him from leading new projects.

“In the long run, this would be my profession­al death for it means no new clinical trials, the inability to provide cuttingedg­e therapies to my patients, no new funding, no lab and no staff,” Taub says in court papers filed Wednesday.

The physician, who received immunity for his cooperatio­n against Silver, is asking a judge to fine his employer.

Taub still draws a $300,000 salary but the cutbacks mean he’s “been fired from 75%” of his job, he says in an affidavit.

Taub testified that he sent Silver up to 50 cancer patients and, in exchange, got $500,000 in taxpayerfu­nded grants. Silver then referred the cases to an asbestos law firm that paid him $3 million in legal fees.

Lawyers for Columbia declined to comment.

Loses grants, title.
DR. ROBERT TAUB Loses grants, title.

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