New York Post

Getting Tough on ISIS: Enough Political Correctnes­s


l America has become afraid of itself (“Fear Only Fear,” Dec. 7).

The country’s afraid of any perceived damage to its local and internatio­nal allcompass­ionatepuri­st reputation. This fear has fostered incredible apathy to the danger facing us.

This country needs someone that has the guts to say: “Sorry, folks, more stringent monitoring methods will be used in the United States, whether it be mosques, airports, community centers or foreign borders. We’re at war, and we’ll use every surveillan­ce technique known.

We’ll also profile those who we think require it — when we feel it’s necessary, without the pretext of political correctnes­s.

Not doing anything wrong? You have nothing to worry about.” Sonny Lapilotta


l To all of you out there clamoring for boots on the ground to fight ISIS — here’s the deal: Make sure you volunteer or make sure your kids enlist.

Remember, no deferments either. Don’t be chickenhaw­ks, like George Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. Have some skin in the game. Stew Frimer

Forest Hills

l President Obama has ignored our adversary’s identity and goals.

Instead of assuring us he’ll focus on winning, Obama’s been lecturing us to avoid Islamophob­ia and change gun laws that are irrelevant to the problem. Americans are waking up to his passionles­s aim to stick with ineffectiv­e tactics.

Winston Churchill isn’t spinning in his grave, he’s kicking it wide open.

David Bergstein


l The Post said it all in its editorial describing Obama’s speech as “pathetic” (“A Pathetic Speech,” Dec. 7).

I absolutely agree. Too bad Obama placed more emphasis on more guncontrol blather and defending Muslims against nonexisten­t Islamophob­ia instead of offering sympathies to families of the shooting victims.

I resent his lecturing style, poorly disguised as sincerity. John Fox

Galloway, NJ

 ??  ?? President Obama
President Obama

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