New York Post

Let’s Go to the Videotape


When it comes to terrorists and videos, you’d think Hillary Clinton would have learned her lesson. But her claim during Saturday’s Democratic debate that ISIS is “showing videos of Donald Trump insulting Islam and Muslims” in order to recruit jihadists is about as accurate as her claim an online antiMuslim video sparked the 2012 Benghazi attack.

And a number of usually proHillary factchecke­rs agree: The Washington Post, the Associated Press and Politifact all branded her debate claim false.

But Team Clinton is refusing to apologize “for correctly pointing out how his hateful rhetoric only helps ISIS recruit.”

Problem is, that’s not what she said in the debate: Clinton specifical­ly claimed ISIS recruiting videos of Trump exist. Yet no one — not even those who track terrorism — has heard of any, let alone seen one.

At least with Benghazi there was an actual video, though it played no role in the terrorist attack that killed four Americans, despite her claims to the victims’ families.

What Hillary has done now is take leftwing wishfulthi­nking and pretend it’s fact.

Ironically, her truthstret­ching is much like what Trump himself was accused of when he claimed there was video showing “thousands” of Muslims cheering the 9/11 attacks in New Jersey.

No one’s found that video either — though there were a few instances of small groups welcoming the Twin Towers’ destructio­n, as an expolice captain is now saying.

Here’s the question: Trump’s claim has been the subject of weeks of media attention and denunciati­ons. Will Hillary get the same treatment? Or yet another pass?

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