New York Post

Daily Horoscope



(Dec. 22 Jan. 20)

If you focus all your energy in a single direction over the next few weeks you will achieve something truly amazing. There can be no more doubts and no more wondering if you are making the right moves. Choose a path and stick to it.


(Jan. 21 Feb. 19)

You will get yet another opportunit­y to overcome a fear that has been holding you back and this time you must take it. Stop worrying about your life and start living it and enjoying it. There are so many good things in the world.


(Feb. 20Mar. 20)

Someone you meet on your travels today or tomorrow will become not only a good friend but also a partner who can assist with the important projects you've got lined up for the future. It seems your needs and their needs are closely related.

ARIES (March 21April 20)

Have no doubts: you are on your way up in the world. The Sun's move into the career area of your chart means if you have a plan and if you make a serious effort there is nothing you cannot accomplish over the coming weeks and months.

TAURUS (April 21May 21)

This is potentiall­y one of the best times of the year for you as the Sun's change of signs endows you with almost limitless confidence. But try not to take life too seriously. Make a point of seeing the funny side of everything that happens.

GEMINI (May 22June 21)

What happens today and later in the week will bring to light something you have been trying to hide from yourself. If you want to get over it now is the time to face up to your demons. They are not as terrifying as you imagine.


(June 22July 23)

You need to get over any sense of embarrassm­ent you might feel at revealing your innermost feelings. Even if you are the kind of Cancerian who keeps your emotions in check you will want to share what is in your heart with those you care for.


(July 24Aug. 23)

The planets indicate that anything you begin over the next few days will have the stamp of success on it, so long as you start slowly and don't take silly risks. You may have big ambitions but you still need to take care of your health.


(Aug. 24Sept. 23)

The Sun moves into the most dynamic area of your chart today, making this one of the best times of the year for getting things done. But don't think you have to do it all in the next 24 hours. Have a clear plan and pace yourself sensibly.


(Sept. 24Oct. 23)

As from today you will feel a lot more positive about what kind of person you are and what kind of things you should be doing in your life. If you feel yourself pulled in a new direction don't let others talk you out of it.


(Oct. 24Nov. 22)

You will have no difficulty letting others know what you think and feel today. However, that does not mean you should tell them everything about yourself. Not only could that be embarrassi­ng but it could also give your rivals informatio­n to use against you.


(Nov. 23 Dec. 21)

The efforts and sacrifices you have made in recent times have not been in vain, and your financial situation will certainly improve between now and the end of the week. But don't rely on promises make sure you get cash in hand.

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