New York Post

Rubio: Last laugh mine


WASHINGTON — Sen. Marco Rubio said Sunday he’ll stick to his “President Obama is an arch liberal who knows what he’s doing” script — despite being mocked Sunday by his opponents for sounding like a broken record at Saturday’s GOP presidenti­al debate.

“I would pay them to keep running that clip because that’s what I believe passionate­ly,” Rubio said on ABC’s “This Week,” after catching grief for making the talking point four times in a tussle with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie at the New Hampshire debate.

“I’m going to keep saying it because it’s true.”

When Christie accused Rubio of having slim qualificat­ions to serve as commanderi­nchief, the firstterm senator from Florida repeatedly changed the subject, insisting that claims by the other candidates that Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing are wrong and that the president is a calculated liberal leader who “knows exactly what he’s doing.”

“[Rubio] came across as totally scripted and kind of robotic,” Jeb Bush told “Fox News Sunday.”

“Marco is gifted, but he’s never had the chance to actually make a tough decision like governors do.”

Donald Trump fired up a crowd in Holderness, NH, on Sunday, yelling, “Did Marco do well last night?” to a collective “No!”

And Christie launched another salvo.

“I think the whole race changed last night. Because you know there was a march among some of the chattering class to anoint Senator Rubio.

“I think after last night, that’s over,” Christie said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

But Rubio’s campaign told The Post he must have hit a GOP nerve because he raised $600,000 during the debate, three times more than in any previous debate. Marisa Schultz

I’m going to keep saying it because it’s true. — Sen. Marco Rubio (left), after being mocked by New Jersey

Gov. Chris Christie (below) during Saturday’s GOP debate for repeatedly saying President Obama

“knows exactly what he’s doing”

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