New York Post

Daily Horoscope

- Sally Brompton

PISCES (Feb. 20Mar. 20)

Now that the full moon has started to fade you can look back on your words and actions of the past few days and see how they were driven by emotion rather than logic. You may need to backtrack on some of the things you promised!

ARIES (March 21April 20)

You may not be able to explain how or why you have reached a decision but you must have the courage of your conviction­s and follow it through to the end. The more your rivals oppose you the more sure you can be that you've got it right.

TAURUS (April 21May 21)

This is a good time for romance and the planets suggest you will make friends with someone today who could become a lover. But if you think they might be the one for you then act quickly. You're not the only one who has designs on

their affections.

GEMINI (May 22June 21)

Money and possession­s are important, of course, but they cannot on their own make you happy, so forget about your cashflow problems and focus on affairs of the heart. Don't worry about making ends meet it's meeting the right person that matters.


(June 22July 23)

Forget about duty and routine and focus on the one thing that means the most to you. As a trustworth­y Cancer you always do what is expected of you but now you must free the creative side of your nature, even if it means breaking a few rules.


(July 24Aug. 23)

According to the planets you will have to put up with people who, for whatever reason, don't want to see you succeed. As a general rule the more others criticize the more certain you can be that you are moving in the right direction.


(Aug. 24Sept. 23)

This is a good time for travel and social activities but you may choose to stay at home if your 'To Do' list is long. You should know by now that you will always find work to do if you look for it so don't look for it!


(Sept. 24Oct. 23)

It's good that you have respect for people in positions of power but don't let it blind you to the fact that they are human like everyone else. Your respect for a certain individual is based more on emotion than logic. See

them for who they really are.


(Oct. 24Nov. 22)

Mars in your sign makes you hugely ambitious but there will always be things you cannot do on your own and you need to recognize and respect that fact today. Reach out to people who share your passion and principles. Together you will achieve something remarkable.


(Nov. 23 Dec. 21)

According to the planets this is one of those days when you should shut your ears to the outside world and take no notice of what others are saying. There is so much gossip doing the rounds at the moment that it is sure to end in tears.


(Dec. 22 Jan. 20)

You seem to be flavor of the month with just about everyone at the moment, which is nice. By all means make the most of it but don't get carried away and give someone the idea that they mean more to you emotionall­y than is actually the case.


(Jan. 21 Feb. 19)

You may be tempted to retreat into your shell and refuse to join in with social activities over the next 24 hours, and maybe that's no bad thing, but don't cut yourself off completely. The planets indicate there could also be a new love attachment today!

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